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March 2020 Dares & February 2020 Wrapup

It’s the day after the Ides of March, and I’m just now publishing my dares post and February wrapup, and that’s sad but … I have an announcement! Ivy Introspective is done! It is written! It is edited! (Which I did in like a day … yeah!) And it is with the beta-readers! Yes, it […]

March 2019 Dares

HEY THERE! I always forget February is a short month, and honestly, 28 is sooo much less than 30! But here we are. Still alive. I think. I feel like I’m not really up to writing this post, but I am anyway, which is dangerous. *squints at my words, wondering if each one sounds crazy […]

March 2018 Reading Roundup

At the beginning of this year, I wrote a post talking about how I wanted to start doing monthly “reading roundups.” Three months into the year, this has become a reality. March wasn’t my best reading month. As I talked about on my personal blog, I was in California for a week. I’ve also been […]

March 2018 Dares

Well … that month flew by! And I say that practically every month, but this time it was true because there are only twenty-eight days in February (takes me by surprise every time) so the month did fly by. Literally. It was flying past my window the other night, and I was like, “Feb … where […]

March 2017 Dares

Hello all! Time for another dares post, but first we’re trying something new. -February Highlights- Went to California to visit my sister and her family for a week. Pictures coming Wednesday! Although not very good pictures. I also made some observations about humankind while I was down there (basically, I spied on random people and […]

March Character Studies

Morgan Dusky at Studies in Character, a wonderful blog written almost entirely by the author’s fictitious characters, hosts a monthly character study. You can find out more about it here. This month’s theme is Introductions. And yes. I do realize that it’s April. I’ve been having a crazy week … actually, I’ve been having several […]