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Introducing My NaNoWriMo Project(s)

Hey folks! So today I’m just gonna briefly tell you what my NaNoWriMo and KDWC projects are and also probably ramble a bit too much (Without spoilers! Don’t worry!) about these projects because … I AM EXCITED! Basically, the long and short of it is that I’m doing KDWC for the first half of it […]

5 Non-Outline NaNoWriMo Prep Necessities

NaNoWriMo prep generally revolves around outlining, daydreaming, and pep talks, but there are some other things you’ll want to have prepared ahead of time. What if you miss them? Last week I wrote about how to create your outline, and this week I’ll dive into these other, lesser-known-but-very-important elements of NaNoWriMo prep. Note: I’m working […]

10K 1Day (how did I do that again?)

Hello folks! Kell here. At the beginning of July, I wrote 10,000 words in one day (10k 1Day). I wanted to do this several times this month, but so far I’ve only accomplished it once. Still, that’s good as I have never written 10k in a 1 day except during NaNoWriMo (the main event not […]

NaNo Update #5: Finishing Her Up!

First of all, before I begin this last NaNo update … can we give a round of applause to my insta-graphic format? *a couple people clap* *everyone gives me a weird look* *I go hide in a cave and live out the rest of my days as a hermit* Really, though. It was so easy […]

Plotting Crash Course: The Day Before NaNo and Dares

Okay, let me start out this post with saying I will only be posting sporadically throughout November. I plan to give you a general update one a week – I’m thinking Mondays or Thursdays. I’m also planning to reblog the two posts I’ll be making on Send the Light (we finally got organized thanks to […]