How to Use Pinterest as an Author

Pinterest is one of those things that most people have … but very few people use. Sure, you dink around on it for an average of ten hours a day and now you feel like you’re attached to your account at the waist (you laughed, you cried, you smiled … you don’t take that kind of relationship lightly). But […]

Kell in Cal(ifornia)

As most of you know, I took a trip to California with my parents last week. I took quite a few pictures while I was there, and today I’ll be sharing a few of them with you. However, before you move on to my excellent photography, I’d like to direct you attention to this poll. […]

California, Cats, and Contests

California I’m in California, guys! Been here since Saturday. And … nothing big to report here. I’ll probably post some pictures next week (as in the week after this week). Stay tuned for that. Cats I admit ‘cats’ is completely random, unless you count the one sleeping behind me on the couch. Which is my […]

A (Brief) Tour of My Room and Random Poems

I decided y’all need a tour of a published author’s room so when y’all are published authors, you’ll have some ideas for décor. Okay, who am I kidding? I just want to show off my organizational skills … which are really awful, by the way. To fend off the boredom, I’ve got a bunch of random […]

December 2016 Spotlight: I Don’t Usually Write in this Genre …

I know it’s been several months (September, to be precise) since the last spotlight, but you remember what a spotlight is, right? Well, just to refresh your memory (or to inform you if you just started following me), it’s me shining a ‘spotlight’ on something I’m working on at the moment. Kinda like an author […]

Introducing Riley and the School-Year Schedule

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of schedules for the ‘new year,’ I’d like you to meet someone. 🙂 Isn’t he adorable? Yeah, I know that isn’t the best picture … I took it on the way home from picking him up yesterday! Yes, we did get him a couple days early … and even then, […]