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How to Overcome Notbusyitis

As I’m writing this (Tuesday), I don’t have work because of the snow. It’s 2:30 (4:10 now that I’m going through and editing), but instead of leaving for work in forty-five minutes, I’ll just … be here. On the couch. Presumably being useless. I have a little-known disease called Notbusyitis. Victims of Notbusyitis are not […]

I Am Sixteen (Goin’ On Seventeen)

Last year I did a post on my birthday which was mostly excited and random and unintelligible. I did some blog tags and then spouted a bunch of random ‘facts.’ However, there was also a ranty section at the bottom where I discussed how my birthday was going awry, how depressed I was, etc. And […]

Five Once a Stratton Quirks

While writing my current works-in-progress, Once a Stratton, I’ve noticed a few things that just don’t add up … or are simply not supposed to be there. I decided, instead of calling them ‘errors,’ to call them ‘quirks.’ It’s my sneaky way of getting you to read about me being stupid without even knowing it. […]