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This is Your Permission to NOT Publish

Dear young writer, I don’t know where you are in your writing journey. But I know so many writers like you who put their all into their craft. You care about writing, so naturally you want to make a career out if it. Is it any wonder you want to be published? But should you? […]

Why Indie Authors Must Compartmentalize

Hi there! It’s Kell, and I was on vacation at Gearhart, Oregon, so naturally this is a little late. I totally missed Wednesday as my computer wouldn’t function, and I was tired. Now, while I was on that beach trip to Gearhart (check out my Instagram for pictures!), I realized something about myself. It’s something […]

Cover Reveal: At Her Fingertips!

Last night, the cover was officially revealed with a big Facebook party, but now I’m sharing it with y’all, my favorite readers. 😛 (Aw, c’mon, don’t feel bad that you weren’t the first! You were first in my heart … really!) Because I’m short of time, this is going to be a short post … […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 8

Hello! Welcome to day 8! I can’t believe we’ve been doing this for over a week now.  *dances* I wish I had something exciting to do here … I should just talk about random stuff. Watching soccer is like watching people eat. “Yep, went down to McDonald’s today … watched my little brother finishing off […]

Pub Prep

Well, that was a dumb title, wasn’t it? Oh, be quiet. I can title my posts whatever I want to title my posts. It’s blogger’s prerogative. Assuming I used that word correctly. *glares at everyone who questions my vocabulary* Pub Prep is short for “Publishing Preparation,” which is what I’m doing right now. (And you […]

5 Things I Wish I’d Done Before I Published

Now, I’m not usually one to look back at past mistakes and actually care that I made those mistakes. In fact, I’m more of a, “Too bad, move on,” person. My selfishness, my maliciousness, and my utter lack of concern over the bad things I’d done is absolutely hideous. However, today I’m talking about what […]

The Lady of the Vineyard, Blog Tour Sign-ups

A few quick updates before we begin … Giving away an autographed copy of The Dressmaker’s Secret on Goodreads. Actually making progress on Ivy Introspective! 😀 I’ve chosen some titles for The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, Book 4. Vote here! Still looking for beta-readers for The Lady of the Vineyard. Well, guys, it’s time […]

A Drumroll, Please!

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, I am pleased to announce the publishing of my very first novel, The Dressmaker’s Secret! 🙂 ~Kellyn Roth

To publish or not to publish?

  Recently I’ve been having some doubts about publish The Dressmaker’s Secret this Saturday. Perhaps I should move it to the 16th … or even later. As it is, I’m really stressed out and worried about getting it ready in time. There are no major changes to be made, really. Just fine tune, format, and upload to […]