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The Ivy Introspective Launch Wrapup

Well, that’s a wrap! The posts on various platforms are out. The reviews are up on Amazon and Goodreads. And I’ve got ’em all in this post! (Well, ish. Y’all can click through to Amazon and Goodreads if you want, but I didn’t link to every individual review.) I know I haven’t been as active […]

My Favorite Excerpts from Once a Stratton

As you may or may not know, I worked on Once a Stratton for Camp NaNoWriMo this year. I only went for 10,000 words (I wrote 24,593 bringing the novel to 59,749 words), but I’ve still got a bit to go. It’s going to be a lot shorter than I’d planned, though! Returning to this […]

March 2018 Reading Roundup

At the beginning of this year, I wrote a post talking about how I wanted to start doing monthly “reading roundups.” Three months into the year, this has become a reality. March wasn’t my best reading month. As I talked about on my personal blog, I was in California for a week. I’ve also been […]

Are Novels Important?

I’ve heard people say that reading fictional stories is a waste of time, and I wanted to point out why this is not true. However, it was simply too big a subject for me! Books have taught me certain lessons … but they’ve taught other people completely different things. And I hate to narrow this broad subject down […]

February 2018 Dares

Guess what? It’s already the last day of January! Isn’t that beyond unbelievable? Why, I remember December 31st like it was yesterday. *ripple dissolve* Seriously, though, folks. I’m excited for February!* I don’t have a lot of great plans for the month, but I’m glad to be starting anew. A lot of things about January […]

December 2017 Dares

HELLO FRIENDS. Long time, no see! Well, okay, it’s only been a couple days since Wednesday, but lots has happened, and I’m more than ready to get back to our regularly scheduled programming! This month we have some great dares for you (all taken from my extremely long to-do list, haha … NaNo is all-consuming, […]

Five Fall Favorites: Wrap Up & Animals + Brief Hiatus

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to my blog … and to my final post in Five Fall Favorites 2017! In this post, I’ll be announcing the winners … and some other fun things. We still have lots of free books and such wandering around, so be sure to look for them! On that note … […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 4: Humor

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to my blog … and to my fourth post in Five Fall Favorites 2017! I’m sure you remember the amazing blog party we did last year, and if you don’t, this invitation will give you the highlights:

Five Fall Favorites, Day 2: Christian Romance

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to my blog … and to my second post in Five Fall Favorites 2017! (Yes, I am copying a little of what I said yesterday, but it’s hard to be different every day for a week!)

Five Fall Favorites Day 1: Bible Times

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to my blog … and to my first post in Five Fall Favorites 2017! I’m sure you remember the amazing blog party we did last year, and if you don’t, this invitation will give you the highlights:

Why Writers Should Be Bloggers

I bet y’all are wondering, “Why the sand? What does that have to do with blogging? Or writing? Or anything related to blogging or writing?” ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It is the first stock photo that came up. It wasn’t even the BEST stock photo that came up! I AM SO GENIUS I SHALL TAKE OVER THE […]

Isolated Blog Tour

Today, I’m going to be spotlighting Miss Jordy Leigh’s new book, Isolated. This novella about a girl struggling to survive alone in the forest is quite fascinating, and I’m looking forward to reviewing it further later on. However, for now, I’ll just be talking about the main character of Isolated (as well as a little bit […]