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At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Finale!

And today’s the day when it all ends! *can’t believe it* *is again a little teary* Time for wrapping up all the posts, for announcing the giveaway winners … and for taking a break! At Her Fingertips is officially out in the world. It’s been published on quite a few sales channels – including Barnes & […]

A Review of California

From the 10th through the 14th of March, we were in California. Oceanside, California, to be more exact. Actually, if we want to be 100% exact, we were on Camp Pendleton (my brother-in-law’s a Marine). I’ve already done this before and talked about it on my blog, so when I was trying to think of […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 2: Christian Romance

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to my blog … and to my second post in Five Fall Favorites 2017! (Yes, I am copying a little of what I said yesterday, but it’s hard to be different every day for a week!)

Why Writers Should Be Bloggers

I bet y’all are wondering, “Why the sand? What does that have to do with blogging? Or writing? Or anything related to blogging or writing?” ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It is the first stock photo that came up. It wasn’t even the BEST stock photo that came up! I AM SO GENIUS I SHALL TAKE OVER THE […]

Dares for October 2016

Well. I can’t believe September is over already! That went by in the flash. 😛 Well, let’s see how I did this September! 🙂 Dares for September 2016 Reading Read five books. Check! I think I read … eight? And those are only the ones I remembered to mark on Goodreads … that weren’t for […]

Introducing Riley and the School-Year Schedule

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of schedules for the ‘new year,’ I’d like you to meet someone. 🙂 Isn’t he adorable? Yeah, I know that isn’t the best picture … I took it on the way home from picking him up yesterday! Yes, we did get him a couple days early … and even then, […]

Introducing Reveries Reviews

As you may have noticed, there have been a lot of reviews on Reveries recently. As you may or may not know, this was not meant to be a reviewing blog! Sure, a review a week doesn’t hurt. I’m an author, and introducing you to the books of other authors is a lot of fun for […]