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99 Summer Goals for Writers

Are you ready for 99 summer goals for writers? I was trying to think of a great way to serve you as we enter the summer months, and I realized one of my biggest problems is … productivity. Summer is often unproductive for me. Even though I still work, I feel lazier and more tired […]

August 2018 Dares (At Long Last!)

Apparently 9 is also too late for me to be writer-ing blog posts? That graphic is my mind spilled out onto Canva. 😂 Yes. Yes, we are still doing this. The Dares shall not end. They were just … temporarily … delayed. I guess. For this post, I’ll just briefly recap what all happened in May and […]

September 2017 Dares & Summer Ends

A single tear slid down the girl’s pale cheek. Her lips trembled, and she breathed slowly, evenly to prevent her sobs from ripping from her throat. Her mascara, a sickly dark brown color, stuck to her lower eyelashes, giving the appearance of a tween who has no idea how to do her face. She picked […]

Summer Goals + Updates

Hello ladies and gents! First, I’m going to have to ask my friend Lana to forgive me for using her beautiful illustration without her permission. I quite frankly forgot to ask. I did credit her, however. So … am I forgiven?* I’m a terrible person. Second, this is a kind of random post with a […]

June 2017 Dares

GUYS! It’s June! Can you believe it? It’s like … the best month of the year! Besides August, of course. August is da best. #prejudiced Seriously, though, June marks the end of school and the beginning of summer. I love summer, and I expect a lot to happen in this one. Remember, we’ve got the […]