May Character Studies: Hobbies

Well, it’s time for another Character Study! 🙂 For those of you who don’t know, Character Studies is a monthly character interview hosted by Morgan Dusky at Studies in Characters. You should totally check out her awesome blog! It’s so creative! So, this time I’m going to be interviewing one of my favorite characters from […]

April Character Studies: Faults

Once again, it’s time for Character Studies! As you may know, it’s hosted by Morgan Dusky at Studies in Character. You can find out more about it here. This month’s theme is Character Faults. I’ll be interviewing George “Jordy” McAllen from The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy. He’ll make an appearance for the first time in the series in […]

Introducing Ivy Introspective

Today I’ll be introducing a new book … Ivy Introspective! . . . Yes, it’s just a remodeled Ivy Inquisitive. Since when are you so insightful? 😀 I’ve figured out a beginning, middle, and end, I have a very good idea of what I want to do with the plot, and I’m going to be writing […]

Updates on The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy

You walked slowly down the darkened hall, slinking in the shadows, keeping close to the wall. You come to the door at the end of the corridor. It opens with a slow, annoying creak as you turn the handle. You step in and walk through the file cabinets. You sort through the papers … A, […]

How to Write Three-Dimensional Characters

The most important thing you can put in your book is well-rounded, three-dimensional characters. According to Google, the definition of three-dimensional (in literature) is sufficiently full in characterization and representation of events to be believable. So a three-dimensional character is a character that is, well, human.

The Dressmaker’s Secret: Updates

On Friday I got my paperback copy of The Dressmaker’s Secret! 🙂 I know; really exciting! Everyone I know is chastising me for not being more excited than I am. 😛 But I don’t usually get really excited about things. At least, I don’t usually jump up and down and scream when I’m excited. But enough […]

Ivy Inquisitive (updates and an excerpt)

Well, I’ve finally started editing Ivy Inquisitive.I’ve finished the prologue and part of the chapter one (for the first time; there will be many drafts after this one). As you can see, Makenna Pithey has updated my cover. Thanks, Makenna, it looks awesome! 🙂 I think that’s what gave me the drive to start editing … or, you […]

After NaNoWriMo

Well, I finished Ivy Inquisitive at 44,114 words! That comes out to twenty-eight chapters. I’m pretty proud of myself. I have written significantly more words during this NaNo than I did last year (43,448 by November 30th at 11:59 PM!) … which is always a good thing. I’m hoping that next year I’ll be able to do […]

NaNoWriMo: Day 16

Well, it’s Day 16 … and I’ve run across a problem. I knew that my outline wasn’t complete! There’s a character in Ivy Inquisitive whose mother dies … and somehow she needs to feel as if her mother’s death was her fault and stew over it for the rest of her life. I have literally been […]

The Last Week of NaNo Prep

I don’t know how it is for you, but for me outlining in the technical sense of outlining is nearly impossible! I can do it for already-existent works, but I can’t make an outline out of the swirling plotline (or lines) in my head! November 1st will be this coming Sunday and I haven’t gotten […]

Character Plotting

I can’t give you any sage advice on developing characters … I’m not exactly an expert writer! … but I’ll give you a bit of insight on how I do it. A note: this is for if you have the plot and not the character. If you had less idea as to how the plot […]