Blue Skies Tomorrow by Sarah Sundin
Title: Blue Skies Tomorrow Author: Sarah Sundin Series Wings of Glory, #3 Genre: Historical Adventure/Romance Age-Range: 13+ (young adult/adult) Era: 1940s (WW2) Setting: California (USA), England, France/Germany Publisher: Revell Books Source: library Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 3/5 stars. No language. There’s a war going on, which Jack participates in. People are dying, planes are being shot […]
A Distant Melody by Sarah Sundin
Title: A Distant Melody Author: Sarah Sundin Series: Wings of Glory, #1 Genre: Christian Historical Adventure/Romance Age-Range: 14+ (young adult/adult) Era: 1940s (WW2) Setting: California (USA) and England Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Source: library Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 3/5. It’s actually really clean. I tried to explain it up here, but it got too long. […]