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Updates: The Lady of the Vineyard and Ivy Introspective

Hello friends (and … random people I don’t know … and … I just made your presence awkward … well,  I guess you can stay anyway *sigh*)! Today I’m going to ramble on about my novels considerably, so … you’ve been warned. Let’s start with Ivy Introspective, because … well, I just want to. I have […]

June Character Studies ~ Comfort

Well, another Character Studies has come around! As some (most, that is) of you probably know, Character Studies is hosted by Morgan Dusky ( She has the coolest blog you ever saw! Her characters have (supposedly) possessed it, and they write the posts. Very entertaining (and informative). Today, as usual, I’ll be doing Parts 1 […]

Plot Construction 101: Climax

Well, guys, we’ve come to the climax. What is a climax? It’s the most exciting part of the novel, of course. It’s what we’ve all been waiting for. And now it’s here. And … we’re going to make it a lot less exciting by talking about it. 😉 Essentially, the climax is the coming-together of […]

Plot Construction 101: Exposition

Last week we talked about the basic construction of a plot, The Great Pyramid. This week we’ll be talking about the exposition. To summarize, an exposition is the beginning – the introduction – of a novel. Here is where you hook your readers. Another word for it is “chapter one.” 😉 Note: exposition doesn’t always happen […]

Plot Construction 101: The Great Pyramid

I’m planning to give y’all a course on plot constructing. Today (Day 1), I’ll be introducing you to The Great Pyramid. No, not that Great Pyramid! This Great Pyramid! 😀 As you can see, it’s sort of more of a great triangle. But, as you don’t want a one-dimensional plot (and as “pyramid” sounds better […]

March Character Studies

Morgan Dusky at Studies in Character, a wonderful blog written almost entirely by the author’s fictitious characters, hosts a monthly character study. You can find out more about it here. This month’s theme is Introductions. And yes. I do realize that it’s April. I’ve been having a crazy week … actually, I’ve been having several […]

Epilogues: Finishing Her Up

Hello Everyone! Some of my images have disappeared from various pages. *clears throat* I, um, accidently deleted them. So … some posts may be missing their images. Including this one. Thanks! I told you about prologues last week, so it makes sense that I should talk about epilogues this week!

Sleep Deprivation Hillarities

I know. There are a lot of big words in the title. 😉 Essentially, today I will be sharing you some things I wrote in my novel, Ivy Inquisitive, during NaNoWriMo 2015 that aren’t quite … right. ~ A few of my favorite typos ~ Miss Selle greeted him at the girl. Yep. At Miss […]

The Most Terrifying Moment in My Author Career

As some of you may know, I’ve been considering writing a book set during the 193os, The Lady of the Vineyard. I’m just in the planning stage now and it might not be some time before I begin actually writing, hence years before it’s published. Anywho, I had quite the scare this week …. Once […]

To publish or not to publish?

  Recently I’ve been having some doubts about publish The Dressmaker’s Secret this Saturday. Perhaps I should move it to the 16th … or even later. As it is, I’m really stressed out and worried about getting it ready in time. There are no major changes to be made, really. Just fine tune, format, and upload to […]