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Finding Your Voice (Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion)

As you probably know, Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion released last week, and I am still in celebration mode! Getting to be a part of this awesome anthology with the Author Conservatory has been amazing, and I’m thrilled to say that we have sold 500+ books thus far … and are […]

Why You Should Buy Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion

As you know, I am soon launching an anthology with the Author Conservatory … Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion. And, well, of course I think you should buy it! However, I do realize that a part of you is probably going, “Well, why should I?” Let me tell you why! But […]

NaNoWriMo 2023, the Christmas Season, and Kell’s Life

I haven’t done a life update on this blog in forever, and granted, I will probably recycle some information from my email list (which you should subscribe to now!), but now feels like the time. So let’s not hesitate. Let’s get into it! NaNoWriMo 2023 NaNoWriMo 2023 … did not go as planned. But I […]

Feeling 22 & Other Miscellaneous Updates on My Life

Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted something just about me. Oddly enough, I don’t really feel like I’m in a good mood to do that with any reasonability 90% of the time, and even if I am, I’m too busy to do so. It feels so much more pressing to post about […]

Announcing the Springtime in Surrey Blog Tour & Launch Team Signups

Hey folks! This will be a short & sweet blog post … Will you join the blog tour AND/OR the launch team for Springtime in Surrey? You can click those links there, or you can read the descriptions below and decide what you want to join! Join the Blog Tour If you haven’t participated in […]

What I Do Have I Give You: a tale of paralyzation and ongoing healing

An Introduction with Random Updates It’s not been an easy couple months. It’s not been an easy year. But that’s not surprising, because human life is not easy, and if you expect it to be, well, you’ll be disappointed. But today (meaning earlier this week by the time I’m getting this out) my swing broke […]

Romance is a Relationship—NOT a Genre | a guest post by Grace A. Johnson

Hey folks! Welcome to my blog! For the first time in a while, we have a terribly amazing blog post … a guest post by Grace A. Johnson, one of the most incredible people in the Christian fiction world right now. Grace A. Johnson is an author, thinker, and of course God-follower who was inspired […]

The Beyond Her Calling Relaunch Blog Tour | A Post about Ivy and Jordy

In today’s blog post, I’ll be talking about Jordy and Ivy, who are one of my favorite couples. I decided to spend a little time listing my favorite things about them. So let’s getting into it! My Favorite Things About Ivy Knight She’s super sweet & innocent. Yet I wouldn’t call her naïve, not exactly. […]

In Which Denial is Just a River, Really {2021 Wrapup & 2022 Goals}

Dear 2021, First of all, how dare you? Okay, but more seriously … I AM IN DENIAL. IT IS NOT 2022! I always feel a little gobsmacked by the new year, but this time, it feels doubly so. 2021 was a wild year. Like, I always say that, but this time, it is so true. […]

May 2020 Wrapup & Summer 2020 Dares

Welcome to June! Can you believe it? I know I’m struggling to comprehend the fact that … IT IS SUMMER 2020! This year is going so fast, and I can’t seem to keep a grasp on it. So, ladies and germs, I have nothing to say that I haven’t said every month (they’re sort of […]