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Reveries Co. Blog Tour Wrapup

And here we are … the final day for the blog tour! 🤪😶😱😯 Never have five days flown so fast … and I’ve been crazy busy! This is the last day to score HUGE discounts from our service providers! Click here to check them out! Just so you know, you can still enter giveaways and whatnot […]

Welcome to Reveries (Giveaway + Blog Tour)!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it’s finally happened! Reveries has moved to a self-hosted blog, and here we are! Whether you’re an old follower or a new one, I’m so excited to have you here. Some things are changing … but don’t worry! It’ll be the same old posts from the same old me (no, I […]

Plot Bunny Into Story?

Hiya, ladies and gents! Today I’m here to tell you how how to turn your plot bunny into a story (courtesy of me thinking about this a lot because that’s what I’m currently doing). Now, I’m by no means an expert, but I do believe I can offer some advice based on my personal experience, […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 2: Christian Romance

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to my blog … and to my second post in Five Fall Favorites 2017! (Yes, I am copying a little of what I said yesterday, but it’s hard to be different every day for a week!)

September 2017 Spotlight: My Obsession with Personality Types

Like many before me (and many who shall come after), I love classifying myself and others by the MBTI personality types. The basic idea is that every human being on earth can be classified loosely into one of the sixteen types. These types are defined by a combination of three letters. My type, for instance, […]

September 2017 Character Studies: Adae of Maran

Time again for a round of questions by Morgan Dusky @ Studies in Character! I know it’s soon after the last round, but I really need to figure one of my characters (Adae from, well, Adae) out, and the questions are here, sooo? Why wait! This month’s theme is “the great outdoors!” If you want […]

I Am Sixteen (Goin’ On Seventeen)

Last year I did a post on my birthday which was mostly excited and random and unintelligible. I did some blog tags and then spouted a bunch of random ‘facts.’ However, there was also a ranty section at the bottom where I discussed how my birthday was going awry, how depressed I was, etc. And […]

Flowers, Part 5

Well, ladies and gents, it’s time for part 5 of our serial story, Flowers. There’s just one more part to go after this! Can you believe it? I’m planning on editing it, maybe looking into a cover designer, and publishing it on Kindle. As far as me supposedly being on a once-a-week schedule … I […]

Flowers, Part 3

Well, ladies and gents, it’s time for part three of my fantastical short story, Flowers. Are you excited? No? Well … I am. *pouts* I can’t believe you don’t like my book … Oh, you were just teasing? *wipes brow* Whew. I was worried for a minute that you all secretly hating me and were […]

In Which I Humiliate Myself

Since you all seem to like me, I decided that should change. How am I going to go about changing that? Well, I’m going to post a lot of random excerpts from books I wrote … years ago. For this, I have to go here: Yep. The file folder “No Longer in Use.” *lightning, thunder, […]

Flowers, Parts One and Two

The moment you’ve all been waiting for, my darlings, is at hand! That’s right! Parts One and Two of Flowers, my short story sequel to The Lady of the Vineyard, is coming to you … right here … right now! Okay, so maybe none of you actually want to read this story. Whatever. Comment and say […]