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5 Reasons to Follow Tales of the Lonely Sun (Blog Tour + Guest Post)

Today I’m doing a blog tour … only it’s something different. It’s a blog blog tour. (E.g. a blog tour for a blog launch.) And now that I’ve said “blog” waaay too many times … I’ll swap over to talking about the blog itself! Tales of the Lonely Sun is the name of the blog […]

Let’s Catch Up A Little

First of all … I am so proud of my photo-shopping skills. Like, seriously, y’all. Me and my jeep commander and my chocolate Dairy Queen milkshake can go ANYWHERE*. Also, to those of you who are concerned that I’ll drive off the road because I’m not looking + driving one-handed (who needs two hands to drive a […]

When Your Writing Just Isn’t Enough

Sometimes I think that writers have the lowest self-esteem of any creature on this planet. We constantly judge ourselves. We second-guess word choices, plot lines, even calling ourselves a writer. We can’t even tell others about our stories without blushing! Now, to a certain extent, it’s natural to worry about our creations like this. I […]

How to Push Through a First Draft

I think we’ve already established that writing a first draft can be hard. There is beauty in it … but also great evil.* Okay, “great evil” may be overdoing it, but it’s definitely very difficult. The first draft is the point at which most authors give up on their story. They just stop writing, and another […]

Five Reasons You Should Outline

Outlining is time-consuming. If you do it in any depth, it’s pretty difficult … but is it worth it? Why not just skip the extra step completely and move on to the actual writing – that’s what you’re here for, after all, isn’t it? In this post, I’ll be “outlining” (couldn’t resist) my top ten […]

Finishing The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy

This was a post I planned for just before the 12 Days of Christmas party, but I ended up doing other post and saving this one until later and whoosh! It’s January! In this post I’ll be talking about my plans for finishing off the rather long and complicated series that The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy […]

Introducing the Characters of Beyond Her Calling

Hello ladies and gents! Now that we’ve actually begun NaNoWriMo,* I decided it was time to actually introduce you to my NaNo novel & my NaNo-prep process. Even though we’ve already begun so technically that’s all over. Just … ignore me tardiness. Pretend it’s two weeks ago. *(I WAS SICK OKAY!?!?) I thought I’d just […]

Guest Post: Too Young to Write?

Hello guys! Today we’re having another guest post. It was written by Miss Libby Beth, who … I just met. I mean, I feel like I just met her, but I kinda know her from YWP NaNoWriMo. At least, I think I do … but I keep getting people mixed up. I even mix up ‘famous’ NaNo folks. I […]