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March Character Studies

Morgan Dusky at Studies in Character, a wonderful blog written almost entirely by the author’s fictitious characters, hosts a monthly character study. You can find out more about it here. This month’s theme is Introductions. And yes. I do realize that it’s April. I’ve been having a crazy week … actually, I’ve been having several […]

To Whisper Her Name by Tamera Alexander

To Whisper Her Name by Tamera Alexander A Belle Meade Plantation Novel (#1) Set at Nashville’s historic Belle Meade Plantation, the most influential thoroughbred stud farm in America’s history, To Whisper Her Name weaves the struggles of real people of the post-war South with the journeys of a man and a woman scarred by betrayal. Olivia […]

Interview with H.L. Burke

  Today I’ll be interviewing author H. L. Burke, author of The Dragon and the Scholar series, Beggar Magic, Lands of Ash, Thaddeus Whiskers and the Dragon, and Cora and the Nurse Dragon, to name a few. But her real claim to fame is that she is my big sister! Heidi, how does it feel to be […]

The Evil Subplot of Doom

Subplots are, essentially, smaller stories that interweave with the main plot of a novel to add to it. A subplot in my novel The Dressmaker’s Secret is … um … come to think of it, The Dressmaker’s Secret doesn’t really have subplots, does it? Or maybe it does and I’ve forgotten. New example! 😛 In The […]

Love Triangles?

Love triangles. They’re everywhere, it seems. In best-selling books. In non-best-selling books. In almost every romance you ever have read. And I have yet to find one that doesn’t drive me wild. What is it with these crazy, indecisive girls?

Sleep Deprivation Hillarities

I know. There are a lot of big words in the title. 😉 Essentially, today I will be sharing you some things I wrote in my novel, Ivy Inquisitive, during NaNoWriMo 2015 that aren’t quite … right. ~ A few of my favorite typos ~ Miss Selle greeted him at the girl. Yep. At Miss […]

Review: The Painter’s Daughter

The Painter’s Daughter by Julie Klassen   Title: The Painter’s Daughter Author: Julie Klassen Genre: Historical fiction Subgenres/Keywords: Historical romance, romance, Regency era, Regency romance, adult fiction, England, Regency England. Age-Range: Adult (young adult if you’re as smart as me 😉 ) Summary Sophie Dupont, daughter of a portrait painter, assists her father in his […]

Review: The Secret of Pembrooke Park

The Secret of Pembrooke Park by Julie Klassen ~Summary~ Abigail Foster is the practical daughter. She fears she will end up a spinster, especially as she has little dowry, and the one man she thought might marry her seems to have fallen for her younger, prettier sister. Facing financial ruin, Abigail and her father search […]

The Dressmaker’s Secret: Updates

On Friday I got my paperback copy of The Dressmaker’s Secret! 🙂 I know; really exciting! Everyone I know is chastising me for not being more excited than I am. 😛 But I don’t usually get really excited about things. At least, I don’t usually jump up and down and scream when I’m excited. But enough […]

Ivy Inquisitive (updates and an excerpt)

Well, I’ve finally started editing Ivy Inquisitive.I’ve finished the prologue and part of the chapter one (for the first time; there will be many drafts after this one). As you can see, Makenna Pithey has updated my cover. Thanks, Makenna, it looks awesome! 🙂 I think that’s what gave me the drive to start editing … or, you […]

To publish or not to publish?

  Recently I’ve been having some doubts about publish The Dressmaker’s Secret this Saturday. Perhaps I should move it to the 16th … or even later. As it is, I’m really stressed out and worried about getting it ready in time. There are no major changes to be made, really. Just fine tune, format, and upload to […]