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What’s up with TDS?

The short answer to the title question is, “Important stuff.” However, I was never one for simplicity. (Actually, I am, but that’s beside the point.) The point is (wait, aren’t statements in parenthesis technically barred from the main text?) that I need a subject for a spotlight, and you need to know what’s going on […]

NaNoWriMo 2016: Wrap-Up

At Her Fingertips is officially finished at 66,172 words. Yesterday I wrote 8,611 which brought me to 65,978 words. I wrote the rest this morning. I’m pretty proud of myself. Last NaNo, I wrote 40,000-some words; the NaNo before that, it was 36,000. Both times, I barely made that. This year, however, it was easy […]

The Old River Road by Ivy Rose

The Old River Road by Ivy Rose Long Lake Legacy, #1 When seventeen-year-old Clara Boutwell married her dashing coworker, William McDonald, she was convinced her life was near perfect. The journey before them as newlyweds in the great city of Chicago was promising and exciting. But a frightening disease soon takes William in its grip, […]

Exile by Rachel Starr Thomson

Exile by Rachel Starr Thomson The Oneness Cycle, #1 When Tyler fishes the girl out of the bay, he thinks she’s dead. She wishes she was. For Reese, life ended when the supernatural entity called the Oneness threw her out. For Tyler, dredging Reese out of the water means life is nothing he thought. In […]

The Mine by John A. Heldt

The Mine by John A. Heldt Northwest Passage, #1 In May 2000, Joel Smith is a cocky, adventurous young man who sees the world as his playground. But when the college senior, days from graduation, enters an abandoned Montana mine, he discovers the price of reckless curiosity. He emerges in May 1941 with a cell […]

Worlds Unseen by Rachel Starr Thomson

Worlds Unseen by Rachel Starr Thomson The Seventh World Trilogy, #1 Quiet, timid, and still haunted by the murder of her childhood guardians, Maggie Sheffield wants peace and healing—not an opportunity to uncover truths so frightening that they threaten to forever unravel the world she thinks she knows. But when a dying friend gives her […]

The Governess of Highland Hall by Carrie Turansky

The Governess of Highland Hall by Carrie Turansky Edwardian Brides, Book 1 Worlds lie between the marketplaces of India and the halls of a magnificent country estate like Highland Hall. Will Julia be able to find her place when a governess is neither upstairs family nor downstairs help? Missionary Julia Foster loves working alongside her […]

Irish Meadows by Susan Anne Mason

I know I’m supposed to post reviews on Mondays … but I’m a little behind in my schedule with several reviews and an interview schedules, so I’m going to be posting this one today. Irish Meadows by Susan Anne Mason Courage to Dream, Book 1 Irish immigrant James O’Leary has spent his life building Irish […]

The Dressmaker’s Secret: Updates

On Friday I got my paperback copy of The Dressmaker’s Secret! 🙂 I know; really exciting! Everyone I know is chastising me for not being more excited than I am. 😛 But I don’t usually get really excited about things. At least, I don’t usually jump up and down and scream when I’m excited. But enough […]