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Five Reasons You Should Outline

Outlining is time-consuming. If you do it in any depth, it’s pretty difficult … but is it worth it? Why not just skip the extra step completely and move on to the actual writing – that’s what you’re here for, after all, isn’t it? In this post, I’ll be “outlining” (couldn’t resist) my top ten […]

Are Novels Important?

I’ve heard people say that reading fictional stories is a waste of time, and I wanted to point out why this is not true. However, it was simply too big a subject for me! Books have taught me certain lessons … but they’ve taught other people completely different things. And I hate to narrow this broad subject down […]

Writing About Children

Just the other day, I was scrolling through social media, and I saw a post mentioning that it’s very hard to write children. I skimmed past quickly. It’s not fun to be the only one not in pain. Because … to me, writing children is not hard. In fact, it’s a lot easier than writing […]

How to Recover from NaNoWriMo

If you’re like me, after NaNo you feel a little … lost. Sometimes for days, sometimes for weeks. What to do with your life now that you’re not writing like a maniac? Well, today I’m going to introduce you to my amazing Five-Step Guide to Regaining Your Life after National Novel Writing Month. So, without […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 5: Indie Published

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to my blog … and to my fifth post in Five Fall Favorites 2017! I’m sure you remember the amazing blog party we did last year, and if you don’t, this invitation will give you the highlights: (By the way, the constant repetitiveness is a little … sad … but […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 4: Humor

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to my blog … and to my fourth post in Five Fall Favorites 2017! I’m sure you remember the amazing blog party we did last year, and if you don’t, this invitation will give you the highlights:

Five Fall Favorites, Day 3: Serieses

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to my blog … and to my THIRD post in Five Fall Favorites 2017! I’m sure you remember the amazing blog party we did last year, and if you don’t, this invitation will give you the highlights:

Five Fall Favorites, Day 2: Christian Romance

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to my blog … and to my second post in Five Fall Favorites 2017! (Yes, I am copying a little of what I said yesterday, but it’s hard to be different every day for a week!)

Five Fall Favorites Day 1: Bible Times

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to my blog … and to my first post in Five Fall Favorites 2017! I’m sure you remember the amazing blog party we did last year, and if you don’t, this invitation will give you the highlights:

Writing Plans: Why They Can Be Disastrous

I really hate to admit this, but writing is a form of art. Why do I hate to admit this? Well, I don’t like to think of writing as an art because artists of all sorts tend to get into this attitude of laziness. “It’s art. Art can’t be rushed.” Most of the time, this […]

Tips for Reading

Hi guys! I decided it’d be fun to write a random post today. I know most of you love reading, so this will be right up your alley. Tips about eating! No, wait … reading. Sorry. I’m sick, so I haven’t eaten much today, and eating makes me sick, but I keep thinking there must […]

February 2017 Dares

Well, it’s time for another round of dares! *shivers* Seriously, though, guys! How time flies! (Wow, I’m a poet! Which … is actually true … unlike most of the stuff I post on this blog … haha, what? I did not just say that …) Before you sink your juicy whites into this pearly post […]