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An Imaginary Changing of the Names in the Kees & Colliers Series

Some time ago, I made a post in my street team, Mrs. Roth’s Society Column, discussing imaginary name changes in the Kees & Colliers series. My street team was NOT pleased. Because apparently they love the original names. Which, to be fair, they are memorable names, but if I had it to do all over […]

The Beyond Her Calling Relaunch Blog Tour | A Post about Characters

In today’s blog post, I’ll be talking about my top 2 minor characters in Beyond Her Calling as well as the McAllens, who come as a group! My Favorite Things About Aunt Daphne Her random gardening. Her excellent advice on all matters, even if at times she can be a little abrupt in her mannerisms. […]

The Beyond Her Calling Relaunch Blog Tour | A Post about Ivy and Jordy

In today’s blog post, I’ll be talking about Jordy and Ivy, who are one of my favorite couples. I decided to spend a little time listing my favorite things about them. So let’s getting into it! My Favorite Things About Ivy Knight She’s super sweet & innocent. Yet I wouldn’t call her naïve, not exactly. […]

Excuse Me, You Got Some Feminism in My Regency Romance

[Note: this is an old blog post. The takes in this post may no longer apply to what the author currently believes and/or the information may be outdated. Please take all that is written here with a grain of salt.] EDIT: an updated version of this post has been shared here. Today I’m here to […]

Introducing the Characters of The Dressmaker’s Secret

Hi there, readers! So I’ve never been one to talk over someone, and I think characters have a right to a voice, too. So instead of introducing my characters … I’m going to let them introduce themselves! That’s right – today, Claire and Alice will be writing this post (as their TDS selves!), talking about […]

Souls Astray Blog Tour: Character Takeover Day!

Did you miss me? I hope so, because I’m back with the Souls Astray tour, and it’s not fun to come back and find you weren’t missed. *quiet weeping* But yep, it feels a bit weird to not update every day … I’m also falling waaay behind, so that’s not good. Y’all pray I won’t […]

5 Things Raised-Christian People Miss Out On

A couple days ago, I was filling out a sheet which had slots for things like the character’s lie and truth as well as, of course, backstory. I had the character’s faults, the lies he tells himself, and the truth he needs to learn … But why? Why does he act like that? I needed […]

Beyond Her Calling, Blog Tour: Day 5

Hello. If you must, welcome to the fourth day of the Beyond Her Calling blog tour. I’m Violet Angel. I don’t want to be here. I’m trying to get this over as quickly as possible, but it’s not coming to me. However, I don’t much care if it’s a terrible post. So there. Let’s just get on […]

My Experience at the OCW Summer Conference

Hello all! Now, you remember back towards the end of August, I attended the Oregon Christian Writer’s 2018 summer conference. Now, quite a few people were like, “TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT!” Because I didn’t get to go the whole time*, I thought, “Eh, I’ll not talk about it; didn’t get the whole experience, y’know.” […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 5

Only two more days of blog touring! I can’t believe it’s going so fast! All the amazing bloggers as well as the readers who keep me going with their comments have made this time really fly. Today’s process day! That means we’ll be talking about how At Her Fingertips came to be thought of, brainstormed, outlined, […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 4

[[Well. She shouldn’t have made her password so obvious.]] [[Shhhhh, we don’t want them to know!]] [[I’m not telling them! I’m introducing us. Hello, all! I’m Alice Knight, the main character of Kellyn’s latest book, At Her Fingertips. I wanted her to rewrite it slightly with *coughs* less complications, but it appears that isn’t going […]