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My Top 5 Writing Distractions (and how I avoid them)

I’m not the only easily-distracted writer, am I? It’s so easy to let distractions take away from my writing time, especially since I have not-ADHD-because-we-don’t-want-to-randomly-say-people-have-ADHD-when-they-don’t-but-focus-issues-for-sure. But these writing distractions are avoidable (ish) … which is why I’m going to take this opportunity to share my top 5 writing distractions and say how I avoid them […]

10 Reasons to Read Baby Mine

Hello readers! Today I’m going to share with you about a book you should definitely read … though more than a book, it’s a short story. Still, you should read it. Baby Mine is a 9,000-word historical fiction story about a little girl named Amaliya Preobrazhensky, her mother, and a man and woman who can […]

Flowers, Part 3

Well, ladies and gents, it’s time for part three of my fantastical short story, Flowers. Are you excited? No? Well … I am. *pouts* I can’t believe you don’t like my book … Oh, you were just teasing? *wipes brow* Whew. I was worried for a minute that you all secretly hating me and were […]

In Which I Humiliate Myself

Since you all seem to like me, I decided that should change. How am I going to go about changing that? Well, I’m going to post a lot of random excerpts from books I wrote … years ago. For this, I have to go here: Yep. The file folder “No Longer in Use.” *lightning, thunder, […]

December 2016 Dares

Once again we come around to our dares. As I skipped the month of November dare-wise (as all I wanted to do was write At Her Fingertips, which I did succeed at), I have nothing to fill you in on. That’s right. This month you don’t get to scroll through my post laughing maniacally at […]

NaNoWriMo 2016, Update #5

Guess what? That’s right! I currently have 53,462 words. However, I made my goal (50,000) on the 25th. How many more words do I expect to get before November’s up? Well, at most I expect to reach 60,000 … but even that would be a stretch. I think I have that much material story-wise … […]

NaNoWriMo 2016 Update #4

I decided to do the post today as I doubt I’ll have time for one tomorrow – and I’ll be at the beach, anyway – and I obviously didn’t have time for one Monday! 🙂 At 44,594 words (and I haven’t written yet today), I’m zipping along at a pretty decent pace. Can I write 5,406 […]

Plotting Crash Course, Day 2: Character Sheets and Aesthetics

Today we’ll be talking about character sheets and novel aesthetics, because I started developing a playlist today, got excited about it, and need to share it with you. Let’s start out with character sheets. Now, everyone has their own version of the character sheets, and you can find about a thousand, all relatively good, by […]

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programing …

… to bring you a special news bulletin! First, I just had a mental block and couldn’t figure out how to spell ‘bulletin’ for, like, five minutes. Which is weird because I’m usually a pretty good speller … Second (and more importantly), I just finished writing Ivy Introspective! I know! It’s so exciting! Yes, I […]

More on The Lady of the Vineyard

In a post last Monday, I told you that I’m going to publish The Lady of the Vineyard on September 10th of this year. Well, that’s still holds true, and today I’ll be sharing a brief excerpt plus me rambling about my novella a little … which will happen, knowing me. First, the excerpt! An […]

The Old River Road by Ivy Rose

The Old River Road by Ivy Rose Long Lake Legacy, #1 When seventeen-year-old Clara Boutwell married her dashing coworker, William McDonald, she was convinced her life was near perfect. The journey before them as newlyweds in the great city of Chicago was promising and exciting. But a frightening disease soon takes William in its grip, […]