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NaNoWriMo 2016 Update #2

The first five times (yes, five!) times I wrote the title, I wrote ‘NaNoWriMo 2016 Updated #2.’ Consider yourself updated. *sports reference* *confirmation of points received* Yep. My fingers type with no regard to my brain sometimes … Back to our regularly scheduled programming, my word count has now reached 28o46 words. Some days I write more, […]

Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin

Title: Through Waters Deep Author: Sarah Sundin Series: Waves of Freedom, #1 Genre: Christian Historical Adventure/Romance/Mystery Age-Range: 13+ (young adult/adult) Era: 1940s (WW2) Setting: Boston, Massachusetts, United States Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Source: library Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 2/5. Some violence, nothing too graphic. A lot of suspense. No real sexual content except a few […]

A Distant Melody by Sarah Sundin

Title: A Distant Melody Author: Sarah Sundin Series: Wings of Glory, #1 Genre: Christian Historical Adventure/Romance Age-Range: 14+ (young adult/adult) Era: 1940s (WW2) Setting: California (USA) and England Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Source: library Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 3/5. It’s actually really clean. I tried to explain it up here, but it got too long. […]

The Centurion’s Wife by Janette Oke and Davis Bunn

Title: The Centurion’s Wife Author: Janette Oke and Davis Bunn Series: Acts of Faith, #1 Genre: Christian Historical (Biblical) Romance/Adventure Age-Range: 12+ (upper middle grade/young adult/adult) Era: first century AD (Jesus Christ’s time) Setting: around the area of Judea Publisher: Bethany House Publishers Source: downloaded a free ebook copy Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 2/5. Some violence – mentions […]

Young Marian: A Viper in the Forest by Mandy Webster

Title: A Viper in the Forest Author: Mandy Webster Series: Young Marian, #1 Genre: Historical Adventure (folk-tale retelling) Age-Range: 10+ (middle grade/young adult) Era: medieval Setting: Sherwood Forest, England Publisher: Mandy Webster Source: from the author (in exchange for an honest review) Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 3/5. Some violence (swordfights, fistfights, etc.), nothing too gory, but […]

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programing …

… to bring you a special news bulletin! First, I just had a mental block and couldn’t figure out how to spell ‘bulletin’ for, like, five minutes. Which is weird because I’m usually a pretty good speller … Second (and more importantly), I just finished writing Ivy Introspective! I know! It’s so exciting! Yes, I […]

September Character Studies: Celebrations

You may not have noticed, but I was too busy to do last month’s character study, so I’m doing it today. 🙂 There are ten questions here. You can also find them on Morgan Dusky’s amazing blog, Studies in Character. Remember to check them out and perhaps do them yourself! The theme this month is ‘celebrations […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 2: Romance and Historical Fiction

Welcome to day 2 of Five Fall Favorites! Today I’ll be showcasing two of my favorite genres … romance and historical fiction! 😀 Just a quick reminder … this is what’s at stake: If I were you, I’d definitely go to Rebekah’s blog and enter now! Hurry up … the prizes are awesome, and you only […]

September 2016 Spotlight ~ IvIn Excerpt and Theme

Well, it’s once-again time for our monthly spotlight! Just in case you need a refresher, here’s the first spotlight post where I explained what a spotlight is, where I got the idea from, etc. This month I’m going to be sharing a little bit of my novel, Ivy Introspective, which is hopefully coming out sometime in […]

Feeling vs. Thinking in Writing

I know, I know! A Step-by-Step Guide to Publishing with Createspace for Intelligent People (Part 2) was supposed to be posted today. But … too lazy and too enthused about this new idea (which, disclaimer, I got from the book Writing With Power by Peter Elbow. I’ve only read the first chapter, but I’m smart enough to […]

On Sprinters, Elections, and NaNo

First, I just want to say I’m amazed by the amount of support I got when publishing The Lady of the Vineyard. Thank you all a million times! I hope I’ll be there for you in the same way if you ever publish (or when you do again). Okay now … let’s do ’em in […]

Guest Post: A Chat About … Writing Villains!

Okay, guys! Today we’re doing something we’ve never done before! WE ARE HOSTING ANOTHER BLOGGER ON REVERIES!!! That’s right! The amazing Coralie of the fantastic blog Cora & Callie has written a guest post for us. It’s about villains! I hope you’re as excited to read it as I was. 🙂 And, because I’m insane […]