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Of Typewriters and Flowers

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to another post on my blog (*doesn’t know what else to say*). We have a couple exciting announcements at the bottom of this post, but before we get around to that, other stuff is happening. Which … is ridiculously vague, but there you have it. OTHER STUFF IS HAPPENING. Hopefully, […]

June Wrapup + Hiatus

Wowza … July already? I know I’ve said this practically every month, but time flies. Time is like the jet plane of flying. I dislike time mightily … I feel like I didn’t do a lot in June, but I did publish two books. So that includes a lot of formatting and sweat and blood […]

The Truth About Outlining Revealed

Today we’re going to be talking about outlining. ‘Cause we all know it’s not truly what we think it is. *wiggles eyebrows* People nowadays pass outlining off as something any author can do in excess without losing their souls. But is it? This greatly-debated question is the subject of our post today. Though this is […]

Cover Reveal: The Dressmaker’s Secret and Ivy Introspective

That’s right, ladies and gentleman! And now, the event you’ve been looking forward to since the day you were born …. Okay, perhaps you haven’t been waiting that long, but several of you have commented in such a way that led to me to believe that there was some excitement about the launching of the […]

5 (Absolutely True) Facts about Redheads

As you probably know (because I paste my face all over the internet like a conceited monkey), I have red hair. Well, it’s actually more auburn, but red is red is red. Even if it’s not. There are a lot of myths floating around about redheads. For instance, some people believe all redheads are witches. […]

Flowers, Part 5

Well, ladies and gents, it’s time for part 5 of our serial story, Flowers. There’s just one more part to go after this! Can you believe it? I’m planning on editing it, maybe looking into a cover designer, and publishing it on Kindle. As far as me supposedly being on a once-a-week schedule … I […]

10 Tips for Surviving Camp NaNoWriMo

Camp NaNoWriMo (at least April Camp NaNoWriMo) is even crazier than actual NaNoWriMo. You know why? Because NaNoWriMo is in November. Soccer is over, school is dragging, it isn’t Christmas yet, and you’re just trudging through life like a tree. (What? I stand by that metaphor …) You want something exciting to happen, and if it’s anything, […]

Tips for Reading

Hi guys! I decided it’d be fun to write a random post today. I know most of you love reading, so this will be right up your alley. Tips about eating! No, wait … reading. Sorry. I’m sick, so I haven’t eaten much today, and eating makes me sick, but I keep thinking there must […]

Kell in Cal(ifornia)

As most of you know, I took a trip to California with my parents last week. I took quite a few pictures while I was there, and today I’ll be sharing a few of them with you. However, before you move on to my excellent photography, I’d like to direct you attention to this poll. […]

February 2017 Spotlight: Goals and Titles (Again)

Sorry about the post being so late, guys. I’ve been distracted … by How to Train Your Dragon. What? I need to spend more time with my brothers, so … okay, you’ve got me; I like HTTYD. Then I’ve been in this kinda mood these last couple days: And my family is like this: And […]

February 2017 Dares

Well, it’s time for another round of dares! *shivers* Seriously, though, guys! How time flies! (Wow, I’m a poet! Which … is actually true … unlike most of the stuff I post on this blog … haha, what? I did not just say that …) Before you sink your juicy whites into this pearly post […]

Flowers, Part 3

Well, ladies and gents, it’s time for part three of my fantastical short story, Flowers. Are you excited? No? Well … I am. *pouts* I can’t believe you don’t like my book … Oh, you were just teasing? *wipes brow* Whew. I was worried for a minute that you all secretly hating me and were […]