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My Plans for Once a Stratton

I think I’ve talked a little bit about my plans for Once a Stratton – I’m never very tight-lipped with y’all! – but I’ve never gone into detail about what to expect in the next couple months and years. So … today I’d like to write a post briefly explaining my plans and goals for […]

When Your Writing Just Isn’t Enough

Sometimes I think that writers have the lowest self-esteem of any creature on this planet. We constantly judge ourselves. We second-guess word choices, plot lines, even calling ourselves a writer. We can’t even tell others about our stories without blushing! Now, to a certain extent, it’s natural to worry about our creations like this. I […]

My Favorite Excerpts from Once a Stratton

As you may or may not know, I worked on Once a Stratton for Camp NaNoWriMo this year. I only went for 10,000 words (I wrote 24,593 bringing the novel to 59,749 words), but I’ve still got a bit to go. It’s going to be a lot shorter than I’d planned, though! Returning to this […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 6

IT’S THE LAST DAY OF THE TOUR EXCEPT FOR OUR WRAPUP!!! Wow. That went sooooo incredible fast! Did y’all enjoy it? Thoughts, comments?! Today is future day. That means we’ll be talking about novels I have yet to write, etc. It’s going to be beyond exciting! (Also, I’ll be sharing some spoilers on Facebook, so be […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 4

[[Well. She shouldn’t have made her password so obvious.]] [[Shhhhh, we don’t want them to know!]] [[I’m not telling them! I’m introducing us. Hello, all! I’m Alice Knight, the main character of Kellyn’s latest book, At Her Fingertips. I wanted her to rewrite it slightly with *coughs* less complications, but it appears that isn’t going […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 3

AND WE GOT THROUGH THE FIRST DAY AND HERE WE ARE! *big grin* And today’s theme day, so we get to talk about meanings and lessons and all that fun stuff. Honestly, writing theme is hard for me. I’m always afraid I’ll come off as preachy! I believe I’ve avoided that for this book, however. The key […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 2

YAY FOR THE BLOG TOUR! *can’t believe it’s starting* *is dying of excitement* Are you ready to have tons of fun? Wow, this month went fast! This tour may seem like I put it together carefully, but honestly, I’ve been rushed! Still, nothing bad has happened … yet. 😉 Today is historical day. This means we’ll be talking […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 1

ANNNNDDDDDD … IT’S HERE! *insert excited wild crazy screaming* At Her Fingertips is now live on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback format! Whoa … *takes a deep breath* I’m actually getting a little emotional here! This is my favorite book that I’ve written so far, and I can’t believe it’s out there. I can’t wait […]

Finalizing Tour Details and Proofreading

Only fifteen days until At Her Fingertips releases. Am I nervous? No, not at all! Why would you ask such a silly question? Okay, I’ll admit I’m a little scared. Partially because of the fact that people will be able to purchase my baby … and partially because I have a lot to do in […]

How to Push Through a First Draft

I think we’ve already established that writing a first draft can be hard. There is beauty in it … but also great evil.* Okay, “great evil” may be overdoing it, but it’s definitely very difficult. The first draft is the point at which most authors give up on their story. They just stop writing, and another […]

April 2018 Dares

I don’t want March to be over yet. *sniffles* April is going to be super busy, and March was slightly more restful than months past (what with our spring break, having most of  this week off work due to the school’s spring break, and now Easter). On the other hand … I’m excited for April! […]

A Review of California

From the 10th through the 14th of March, we were in California. Oceanside, California, to be more exact. Actually, if we want to be 100% exact, we were on Camp Pendleton (my brother-in-law’s a Marine). I’ve already done this before and talked about it on my blog, so when I was trying to think of […]