Write the Soft Epilogue; Give Them Babies | why romance novels need epilogues

Hey folks! I’m popping on today to write a post that I hope you will take seriously … but no, it is not meant to be taken seriously. After all, at the end of the day, you may write what you want … But allow me to ramble about a personal-taste-thing as if it’s a […]
How the Hilton Legacy Fits into The Chronicles of Alice & Ivy ~ Like a Ship on the Sea Launch Tour

Hey folks! Today I’m getting into TIMELINE very briefly for those of you who have read and enjoyed The Chronicles of Alice & Ivy. Before that, here’s the normal launch tour stuff . . . About Like a Ship on the Sea If God asks you to confront a storm, how dare you stay in […]
A Guest Post by Alice Strauss ~ Like a Ship on the Sea Launch Tour & Giveaway

In today’s post, I feature Alice giving a “matron of honor” speech because that’s what she wanted to do with her opportunity to guest post. God help us all. Before that, here’s the normal launch tour stuff . . . About Like a Ship on the Sea If God asks you to confront a storm, […]
The 2023 Alice & Ivy Read-Along

Hello everyone! Simply put, let’s do a read-along. (Or re-read-along, as the case may be! Both situations are welcome.) ABOUT THE READ-ALONG I’m host a fun read-along running from March to September of 2023. We’ll read the first five books and Becoming Miss Knight (novella) in preparation for Like a Ship on the Sea releasing […]
The Heart Behind Second-Chance Romance {Romance Trop Blog Collaboration}

Hello my friends! Today I’m joining a blog collaboration with Grace A. Johnson and R.M. Archer. Our goal is to share about certain romance tropes. You can read Grace’s post on enemies-to-lovers here and R.M.’s post on arranged marriages. But now I get to say my piece, and I’m talking about something I don’t believe […]
The Knights of Pearlbelle Park is Launched!

Hey folks! This will be a short-ish post, but I had to get on here and let you know my Christmas short story, The Knights of Pearlbelle Park, is now available on Amazon. It’s only $0.99 if you want to buy it, or you can borrow it for free on Kindle Unlimited. Also, for a […]
Ivy Introspective Is With the Editor! Now What?

As of this Sunday, Ivy Introspective is now with her editor. It took me waaaay too long to actually finish my own edits, but I’ve finally done it – and it’s out of my hands. Until the beginning of June, I don’t have to think about it. Which begs the question … now what? I […]
The War of Ivy Introspective Continues

Writing Ivy Introspective feels like something that will never happen. Which is exactly why I’m going to spend this next week making it happen. You see, writer’s block is a thing — but it’s a thing that we can fight. I might lose a battle or two, but I intend to win the war. 😛 […]
The Dressmaker’s Secret Events – Everything You Might Have Missed

The Dressmaker’s Secret is now out into the world. You can purchase it on Amazon and review it on Amazon and … yeah, no, that’s about it. You can buy a signed paperback copy, too, if that’s your thing. 😉 But let’s not delay. Let’s wrapup what’s been up! First, let’s check out all the […]
Introducing the Characters of The Dressmaker’s Secret

Hi there, readers! So I’ve never been one to talk over someone, and I think characters have a right to a voice, too. So instead of introducing my characters … I’m going to let them introduce themselves! That’s right – today, Claire and Alice will be writing this post (as their TDS selves!), talking about […]
The Dressmaker’s Secret – Introducing the Blog Tour, Giveaway, & Other Festivities

HEY THERE! Long time no see, right?! (I was … busy this Wednesday. Not even kidding – my week has been messyyyy, but I’m here! Will explain later about Wednesday!) How’s everyone? I’m too excited to be legible so here we go!!! THE DRESSMAKER’S SECRET IS AVAILABLE ON AMAZON! You can buy it there or […]
Why I’m Super Excited about the Relaunch of The Dressmaker’s Secret

Hey readers! I’m back, and this time I want to talk about something I’m legitimately excited – nay, even thrilled – about … I am super pumped for the launch of The Dressmaker’s Secret! And here are my reasons: Reason #1 It’s a rewritten version, and it’s probably my favorite version I’ve ever rewritten! It’s […]