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Kind is Launched! (p.s. Merry Christmas Eve-Eve-Eve!)

Hello! Today is a brief post to announce an important event … KIND IS LAUNCHED! The book is now up on Amazon and Goodreads. Be sure to grab yourself a copy – and if you do, leave a review! Kind is my favorite short story that I wrote! It’s so full of holiday cheer, and it […]

How 2018 Will (Hopefully) Go

Hello Ladies and Gents! It’s finally time to list my goals for the New Year (as well as my January 2018 Dares). Are you as pumped for 2018 as I am?! However, before we begin, I’d like to invite you to beta-read At Her Fingertips! I talked about this at the end of the last […]

December 2017 Dares

HELLO FRIENDS. Long time, no see! Well, okay, it’s only been a couple days since Wednesday, but lots has happened, and I’m more than ready to get back to our regularly scheduled programming! This month we have some great dares for you (all taken from my extremely long to-do list, haha … NaNo is all-consuming, […]

NaNo Update #5: Finishing Her Up!

First of all, before I begin this last NaNo update … can we give a round of applause to my insta-graphic format? *a couple people clap* *everyone gives me a weird look* *I go hide in a cave and live out the rest of my days as a hermit* Really, though. It was so easy […]

NaNo Update #4: Almost There!

Guess what? I hit 40,000 yesterday! *cue cheering* Only 10K to go! Well … until I hit my goal. After that, I’ll probably have another 10K of writing until the book is finished … maybe more! I feel like I’m not very far into the book yet. I’m officially on point 19 out of 38. […]

Update #2: In Which I Am Good at Something for Once

Okay, you’re right, that was a silly title. I’ve done awesome things before. In fact, I’m pretty much the master of awesome things. But really, I’m super pleased with one thing I did these last couple days, and so I have to share it with you … and yep. That’s about it. (I don’t really […]

NaNo2017: My Last-Minute Prep and the First Few Days

Wow, can you believe it’s already day four?! NaNoWriMo is flying by! I mean, four out of thirty isn’t much (only about 13%), but it’s still several days which I’ve spent writing like a maniac. But, before I start talking about my (amazing) NaNo progress, let’s talk about my last minute prep. Really all my […]

Completely Random Updates

Yesterday, I went through my list of post ideas and tried to pick one that would be perfect to publish today. I considered writing about how you should write, but I just posted about naming characters. I consider rambling about my books, but I’ve done that way too much already. Then I considered not posting. […]

February 2017 Dares

Well, it’s time for another round of dares! *shivers* Seriously, though, guys! How time flies! (Wow, I’m a poet! Which … is actually true … unlike most of the stuff I post on this blog … haha, what? I did not just say that …) Before you sink your juicy whites into this pearly post […]

A Bunch of Random (Fun!) Updates

This post will just be updating you on a lot of random (and hopefully fun) stuff as it says in the title. Be sure to like, comment, and share. Trust me, the fun is really fun. 😛 (Hint: pretty big discounts on my novels!) Hi folks! Guess what? I published my first story on Noble Novels! […]

NaNoWriMo 2016 Update #2

The first five times (yes, five!) times I wrote the title, I wrote ‘NaNoWriMo 2016 Updated #2.’ Consider yourself updated. *sports reference* *confirmation of points received* Yep. My fingers type with no regard to my brain sometimes … Back to our regularly scheduled programming, my word count has now reached 28o46 words. Some days I write more, […]

The Lady of the Vineyard is now available to pre-order!

I know I shouldn’t be posting this today, but I just thought you’d like to know that you can now pre-order The Lady of the Vineyard on Amazon! 😀 Are you excited? Are you clicking on that link and rushing to Amazon? You aren’t? WHAT KIND OF A BLOG-FOLLOWER ARE YOU???!!! Just kidding, of course. […]