Blog Tour Posts for Kees & Colliers Once Again
Some more blog tour posts? you say. That’ll be boring, you say. WELL, THINK AGAIN, BECAUSE SOME OF MY FAVORITE POSTS ARE INCLUDED, MATE! Really, though, this post can serve other purposes. For instance, it can remind you to ENTER THE AWESOME GIVEAWAY or simply check out my books, if that’s your thing. 😏😝 So […]
Giveaways & Wrapups & the Future, Oh My!
Ready for the future? I’m not. *has no plans for anything past next month* But this post is about the plans for future books, publications, etc. – and it has signups for ARCs, blog tours, and all of that stuff! Also, I want to talk about The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy – and what […]
Souls Astray, Blog Tour Wrapup
Are you ready for the blog tour wrapup? This post has all the details for the blog posts – as well as links to the continuing giveaways (the main one plus multiple on Facebook). Also … wow. Thank you all for your support! It was really flattering. This has been my most lowkey blog tour […]
Goldfish Secrets Is Launched! (+announcements)
Guess what? Goldfish Secrets is officially launched! You can now purchase it on the following online stores. So what? say you. Well, there’s a giveaway that everyone can enter, and of course y’all should just be glad that I published a new novel. *gives you a weird look* *because you obviously don’t care about me* […]
We’re Having an Event
Goldfish Secrets is launching and Flowers is getting a paperback version! This is happening on the 10th of September. Soooo … obviously we gotta celebrate, right? THE ANSWER IS “RIGHT,” Y’ALL. (Sorry for giving that away before you had a chance to think about it.) We are gonna celebrate like mad. Well … more like I’ve […]
Flowers is Published!
That’s right! The short story sequel to The Lady of the Vineyard, Flowers, is now published on Amazon Kindle! You can read more about Flowers on my website. I made a whole page for it and everything. 😛 By the way, my website was recently redone by Mukta of Design Pique Studios. It is absolutely […]
March 2017 Spotlight: Sun Shadow ~ the Reveal
I have a Pinterest board that was for a while secret but has been public for several months now. It’s called “Sun Shadow,” which is presumably the title of a novel. Well, yes, it is. That board contains all sorts of stuff for a novel that I’m eventually going to write, Sun Shadow. You can […]
The Lady of the Vineyard Blog Tour, Day 1
Wow. I have never been so nervous and yet so excited at the same time. 😀 My very own blog tour! How marvelous! How wonderous! How perfectly … I’d better stop before I end up doing another Cruella Deville impression, but you get the point. It’s so exciting! 🙂 Preorder on Amazon ~ Add on […]
How to Avoid the Nightmares of Editing
If you think I’m about to tell you how NOT to edit, you’re wrong. I’m just going to tell you how to edit without pain. What? you say. That’s impossible! The definition of editing is ‘a painful process by which authors attempt to improve their books.’ That’s not true! Editing doesn’t have to be awful! Of […]