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A Worthy Heart by Susan Anne Mason

A Worthy Heart by Susan Anne Mason Courage to Dream, #2 Can an Irish Lass with a Dream for America Find True Love? Maggie Montgomery’s long-held wish to see America is finally coming true. She’ll visit her beloved brother Rylan and his wife, Colleen, and at the same time, escape Neill Fitzgerald’s unwanted attention. In […]

Interview with John A. Heldt

Well, guys, in the last several weeks I’ve reviewed two books by author John A. Heldt, Indiana Belle and The Mine. And I’ll be interviewing him in pink, because everything’s better with pink, and his answers will be in green, which is his favorite color. Welcome to Reveries, Mr. Heldt. Could you tell me a […]

Plot Construction 101: Falling Action (and Resolution)

We’ve come to the conclusion. Wait, I thought we just started this post! Indeed, we did, but this post is about conclusions. Oh, I understand now. Good. Then we can continue. The falling action is the wrapping-up of the novel; resolution is just another name for “conclusion.” It’s meant to be fairly short, as nothing […]

Plot Construction 101: Climax

Well, guys, we’ve come to the climax. What is a climax? It’s the most exciting part of the novel, of course. It’s what we’ve all been waiting for. And now it’s here. And … we’re going to make it a lot less exciting by talking about it. 😉 Essentially, the climax is the coming-together of […]

Epilogues: Finishing Her Up

Hello Everyone! Some of my images have disappeared from various pages. *clears throat* I, um, accidently deleted them. So … some posts may be missing their images. Including this one. Thanks! I told you about prologues last week, so it makes sense that I should talk about epilogues this week!

Introducing Ivy Introspective

Today I’ll be introducing a new book … Ivy Introspective! . . . Yes, it’s just a remodeled Ivy Inquisitive. Since when are you so insightful? 😀 I’ve figured out a beginning, middle, and end, I have a very good idea of what I want to do with the plot, and I’m going to be writing […]

Prologues: The Dos and Don’ts

Prologues are, perhaps, the most greatly debated technique out there. They are greatly overused. Some stories – most stories – are better off without their prologues. They are out of style. Most publishers and readers dislike them. I’ve heard that some even skip them. Though I think that’s kind of stupid. Why bother reading the book if […]

Are you meant to be an author?

So, you want to be a writer, eh? Well, that’s a dream that thousands upon thousands of people have. However, I’d say only about half of those could really be authors, and only about half of those have what it takes to be serious authors. How do you figure out if novel-writing is going to be […]

Interview with H.L. Burke

  Today I’ll be interviewing author H. L. Burke, author of The Dragon and the Scholar series, Beggar Magic, Lands of Ash, Thaddeus Whiskers and the Dragon, and Cora and the Nurse Dragon, to name a few. But her real claim to fame is that she is my big sister! Heidi, how does it feel to be […]

How to Write Three-Dimensional Characters

The most important thing you can put in your book is well-rounded, three-dimensional characters. According to Google, the definition of three-dimensional (in literature) is sufficiently full in characterization and representation of events to be believable. So a three-dimensional character is a character that is, well, human.

The Most Terrifying Moment in My Author Career

As some of you may know, I’ve been considering writing a book set during the 193os, The Lady of the Vineyard. I’m just in the planning stage now and it might not be some time before I begin actually writing, hence years before it’s published. Anywho, I had quite the scare this week …. Once […]

Short Story Contest

I’ve decided to write a short story for Homeschooled Authors’ Short Story Contest. If you’re an author and love Jane Austen, you should definitely enter your story into this competition! The deadline is May 31th 2016. 🙂 What am I going to be writing? Well, I’m not giving you all the details, but it will […]