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My Top 5 Writing Distractions (and how I avoid them)

I’m not the only easily-distracted writer, am I? It’s so easy to let distractions take away from my writing time, especially since I have not-ADHD-because-we-don’t-want-to-randomly-say-people-have-ADHD-when-they-don’t-but-focus-issues-for-sure. But these writing distractions are avoidable (ish) … which is why I’m going to take this opportunity to share my top 5 writing distractions and say how I avoid them […]

5 Reasons You Should Read A Return of Devotion by Kristi Ann Hunter

Hey y’all! Today I’ve got a review of A Return of Devotion by Kristi Ann Hunter … only with a twist. It’s not written in typical review format—instead, I’m writing it as “reasons you should read it” + some further thoughts. There’s also a vlog + some updates about my vlog at the end of […]

A Fish + My Crazy Life + More Delays

We all have ’em … crazy months. This month has been cRaZy for me, but I’m still here – and you’re still here – and this blog is still here. Nice when there’s something to hang on to, like visual reality. 😅😬😝 Great, now I sound like my mother. That’s fine, though. This post is going […]

5 Times You Can Sneak Writing In

When you’re super busy, it can be hard to find time to write! I know as a recent high school grad with a part-time job, lots of volunteer work, and some non-writing hobbies, it can be hard to budget my sit-down-stare-at-the-cursor-blinking minutes in. But sometimes I just need to think outside of the box! So […]

How 2018 Will (Hopefully) Go

Hello Ladies and Gents! It’s finally time to list my goals for the New Year (as well as my January 2018 Dares). Are you as pumped for 2018 as I am?! However, before we begin, I’d like to invite you to beta-read At Her Fingertips! I talked about this at the end of the last […]

In Which I Fail at Vlogging. Again.

Dear Reader, Unfortunately for you, I attempted vlogging again. Yep. That’s right. I made a vlog post today. I made three, actually. All on the same subject. The subject being ‘general author updates.’ The first time, I forgot what I was talking about. The second time, my brothers dived behind me and danced. The third […]