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Writers: Push Introversion Aside for a Day

Hello writers! I’m not the only introvert here, am I? I thought not. Extroverted writers exist – and in fact, I know quite a few! – but they’re less common than introverts. That’s because writing is a solitary sport. For that reason, it’s not really a big deal if writers are introverts. In fact, it’s […]

We’re Having an Event

Goldfish Secrets is launching and Flowers is getting a paperback version! This is happening on the 10th of September. Soooo … obviously we gotta celebrate, right? THE ANSWER IS “RIGHT,” Y’ALL. (Sorry for giving that away before you had a chance to think about it.) We are gonna celebrate like mad. Well … more like I’ve […]

Big Event Postponed: Hiatus Ensuing

That’s right … Reveries is going on a week+-long hiatus! I’m planning on returning on 27th. Why is this? Well, Kell (me) is going to a writer’s conference in Portland with the amazing Ivy Rose, and of course there shall be no blogging! And yes, I do realize that in the last post, I said something big […]

It’s My Birthday, And I’ll Post If I Want To

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEE! I’M A BIT OF A NARCISSIST. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEE! POST IF I WANT TO, POST IF I WANT TO! (You would post, too, if it happened to you!) (Which is has at least a couple times in your life …) (The real question is, WHY DO […]

A Princess At Heart by Loretta MZ (Book Spotlight)

Today we’ve got a book spotlight for A Princess at Heart by Loretta MZ! It looks like a cute little book! I’ve read part of book 1, and it looks like it’s a sweet fairytale for middle grade readers. 🙂 And, of course, we’ve got our Reveries Reader Group info at the end of this post. […]

Trusting Through Trials: 3 Prayers in the Midst of Hardship (Guest Post)

Somedays I write posts for you … and somedays (or at least today) there are amazing guest posters who give me a hand! This guest post is actually a “post swap.” I’ve also written a little something for Anna’s blog on when God doesn’t answer prayers. You should definitely check it (and Anna’s blog) out! […]

August 2018 Dares (At Long Last!)

Apparently 9 is also too late for me to be writer-ing blog posts? That graphic is my mind spilled out onto Canva. 😂 Yes. Yes, we are still doing this. The Dares shall not end. They were just … temporarily … delayed. I guess. For this post, I’ll just briefly recap what all happened in May and […]

A Defense of Honor by Kristi Ann Hunter

I LOVED Kristi Ann Hunter’s A Defense of Honor! But before I get into my ranting, fangirling review (I’m trying to keep it minimal, don’t worry), I’ll talk briefly about … CAMP NANO BEING OVER! Guess what? I went over my goal of 60,000 at 76,441! (Just so you know, ~30K of those were Before […]