5 Tips for Finding Your Market {a writer’s guide}

As writers, whether we’re independent or working towards being published traditionally, we’re often given a piece of advice: know your market. This basically means “know who you’re selling books to.” Don’t be a person who says, “Oh, yeah, everyone will like my book.” Instead, focus in on the best readers for your novel—and sell to […]

Liberty vs. Anarchy: what is our freedom of choice?

Lately there’s been a lot of buzz about the United States government making vaccinations mandatory. As a conservative girl, I see a lot of social media posts along the lines of “They are taking our freedom of choice.” When I read that, my mind went to “pro choice.” Can’t the people who believe abortion is […]

The Alice and Ivy Series {Past, Present, and Future}

Hey y’all! Lately I’ve been working a lot on prepping for the next books in the Alice and Ivy series (and spinoff serieses) as well as doing some edits of The Dressmaker’s Secret. Since I’ve been working on them, obviously they’re on my mind, and obviously I want to write a blog post about them! […]

5 Things Raised-Christian People Miss Out On

A couple days ago, I was filling out a sheet which had slots for things like the character’s lie and truth as well as, of course, backstory. I had the character’s faults, the lies he tells himself, and the truth he needs to learn … But why? Why does he act like that? I needed […]

March 2019 Dares

HEY THERE! I always forget February is a short month, and honestly, 28 is sooo much less than 30! But here we are. Still alive. I think. I feel like I’m not really up to writing this post, but I am anyway, which is dangerous. *squints at my words, wondering if each one sounds crazy […]

How to Overcome Notbusyitis

As I’m writing this (Tuesday), I don’t have work because of the snow. It’s 2:30 (4:10 now that I’m going through and editing), but instead of leaving for work in forty-five minutes, I’ll just … be here. On the couch. Presumably being useless. I have a little-known disease called Notbusyitis. Victims of Notbusyitis are not […]

I actually have to read nonfiction?

I’m currently going through a lot of research for my novel-in-progress, Alone in Berlin, and it’s not easy. I’ve written a lot of historical fiction, but this one requires more research than any other I’ve written. Also, I’ve just been working on The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy and the Kees & Colliers series for […]

5 Author Blogging Tips, Spamalot, and Other Updates

Hey y’all! I know … I’ve got some explaining to do! Each of my followers got something like twenty-eight emails this Wednesday. I bet you were confused … a lot of you contacted me to let me know, which I really appreciated. I’ll explain that in this post along with giving you my best author […]

The Live Without You Blog Tour (Review and Giveaway!)

Today I have a very special review to share … one of Live Without You by Sarah Grace Grzy! This novel was written by a dear friend of mine, and I’m so excited for her. At the end of this review is a giveaway as well as a link to the blog tour schedule (be […]

5 Reasons You Should Read A Return of Devotion by Kristi Ann Hunter

Hey y’all! Today I’ve got a review of A Return of Devotion by Kristi Ann Hunter … only with a twist. It’s not written in typical review format—instead, I’m writing it as “reasons you should read it” + some further thoughts. There’s also a vlog + some updates about my vlog at the end of […]

The Perfection Lie: Why Sinlessness Isn’t Strugglelessness

Hello, ladies and gents! Today my post is in a different style — it’s a letter to my friends, from a girl who has been thinking about “The Perfection Lie” a lot lately. This letter is on the subject of how we, as Christians, now free from Sin (capitalized) still have to continue learning to […]

Souls Astray: Cover Reveal!

Are you read to see Souls Astray‘s cover? Because today I’m going to give it to you … along with a preorder link and announcements about blog tours and whatnot! For that reason, today’s post will be short, but you know what? I’m still exhausted, so it had to be that way. And yeah, I […]