Prologues: The Dos and Don’ts

Prologues are, perhaps, the most greatly debated technique out there. They are greatly overused. Some stories – most stories – are better off without their prologues. They are out of style. Most publishers and readers dislike them. I’ve heard that some even skip them. Though I think that’s kind of stupid. Why bother reading the book if […]

Are you meant to be an author?

So, you want to be a writer, eh? Well, that’s a dream that thousands upon thousands of people have. However, I’d say only about half of those could really be authors, and only about half of those have what it takes to be serious authors. How do you figure out if novel-writing is going to be […]

How to Write Three-Dimensional Characters

The most important thing you can put in your book is well-rounded, three-dimensional characters. According to Google, the definition of three-dimensional (in literature) is sufficiently full in characterization and representation of events to be believable. So a three-dimensional character is a character that is, well, human.

The Most Terrifying Moment in My Author Career

As some of you may know, I’ve been considering writing a book set during the 193os, The Lady of the Vineyard. I’m just in the planning stage now and it might not be some time before I begin actually writing, hence years before it’s published. Anywho, I had quite the scare this week …. Once […]

Short Story Contest

I’ve decided to write a short story for Homeschooled Authors’ Short Story Contest. If you’re an author and love Jane Austen, you should definitely enter your story into this competition! The deadline is May 31th 2016. 🙂 What am I going to be writing? Well, I’m not giving you all the details, but it will […]

Interview with David B. Hunter

Today I’ll be interviewing my fellow-author, David B. Hunter. In pink. My favorite color. David gets to ‘speak” in blue, which is his favorite color. Glad to have you here today, David. And now begins the Inquisition questions. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? Kind of a tough one. Well, when I was four years […]

Personality Types in The Dressmaker’s Secret

As some of you may know, there are sixteen basic personality types and, more or less, everyone can be classed into one of them. I favor the INTJ personality. At least I think so. My mom thinks I may be an ISTP or something else. Anyway, I took the personality test for the characters of my upcoming […]

Those Unneccessary Characters ….

When you write a book, you’ll like as not create several characters that are just unnecessary to the plot. You’ll put a lot into them; developing backstories, personalities, pages and pages of hard work. And then … you’ll find that those characters are more hinder than a help to your novel! I had several of these […]