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October and November Are Coming

So this is going to be a pretty relaxed, quick post explaining all the stuff going on. It’s going to be scary. It’s going to be rushed. But it must be done. Because I care about you not being completely confused through these next two months. So. Without further ado, let me tell you about […]

Orphans of the West: Wrap-Up and Facebook Party!

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to the wrapup post of the Orphans of the West blog tour! There’s a Facebook party starting in just a little bit here, so head over and check that out now! It looks like a load of fun. But while you’re here … let’s see who the winner is! 😉

Orphans of the West, Blog Tour: Intro

I was hugely honored to be allowed to host the blog tour for the last two stories in Faith Blum’s Orphans of the West books! It was fun to set it up and work with Faith, and I’m super excited to see how it goes! There’s a really neat giveaway as well as some fun book-quotes and of […]

Writers: Push Introversion Aside for a Day

Hello writers! I’m not the only introvert here, am I? I thought not. Extroverted writers exist – and in fact, I know quite a few! – but they’re less common than introverts. That’s because writing is a solitary sport. For that reason, it’s not really a big deal if writers are introverts. In fact, it’s […]

The Reluctant Godfather by Allison Tebo: Blog Tour

AAAAAAH THAT NEW COVER, Y’ALL! The Reluctant Godfather was amazing before, but now it’s got a gorgeous new cover and has been professionally edited. Does anyone else long for a copy of the new edition??? #soon Okay, *takes a deep breath* I’ll stop fangirling for a moment and talk seriously about this wonderful little book […]

The Thief, the Damsel, and the Dragon: Blog Tour Wrapup

Well, it’s happened! Angela R. Watts‘s The Thief, the Damsel, and the Dragon is officially launched! And that was the first time I hosted a blog tour for money. *gasps* #somercenary And don’t worry … we’ll be back to our schedule at this! I’m planning some fun posts, so definitely stay tuned for that. Also, I just want to say […]

The Thief, the Damsel, and the Dragon: Blog Tour Kickoff!

Well, it’s happening! My dear friend Angela R. Watts is publishing her first book – a contemporary romance novella, The Thief, the Damsel, and the Dragon! I had the privilege of beta-reading … and now of hosting the blog tour! Now before you run off … there’s a giveaway as well as tons of fun […]

Welcome to Reveries (Giveaway + Blog Tour)!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it’s finally happened! Reveries has moved to a self-hosted blog, and here we are! Whether you’re an old follower or a new one, I’m so excited to have you here. Some things are changing … but don’t worry! It’ll be the same old posts from the same old me (no, I […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 5

Only two more days of blog touring! I can’t believe it’s going so fast! All the amazing bloggers as well as the readers who keep me going with their comments have made this time really fly. Today’s process day! That means we’ll be talking about how At Her Fingertips came to be thought of, brainstormed, outlined, […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 4

[[Well. She shouldn’t have made her password so obvious.]] [[Shhhhh, we don’t want them to know!]] [[I’m not telling them! I’m introducing us. Hello, all! I’m Alice Knight, the main character of Kellyn’s latest book, At Her Fingertips. I wanted her to rewrite it slightly with *coughs* less complications, but it appears that isn’t going […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 3

AND WE GOT THROUGH THE FIRST DAY AND HERE WE ARE! *big grin* And today’s theme day, so we get to talk about meanings and lessons and all that fun stuff. Honestly, writing theme is hard for me. I’m always afraid I’ll come off as preachy! I believe I’ve avoided that for this book, however. The key […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 1

ANNNNDDDDDD … IT’S HERE! *insert excited wild crazy screaming* At Her Fingertips is now live on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback format! Whoa … *takes a deep breath* I’m actually getting a little emotional here! This is my favorite book that I’ve written so far, and I can’t believe it’s out there. I can’t wait […]