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Dares for September 2016

Hi everyone! You remember this post? I hope you do, because I’m not going to explain monthly dares again. 😉 Okay, allow me to tell you how my dares for August went! 🙂 Dares for August 2016 Reading Read ten books. Check! But one of those books has to be Persuasion. Check! And another one has to be […]

Character Studies ~ Family

Well, believe it or not, it’s time for another Character Studies! A quick refresher: Character Studies is a monthly character interview hosted by Morgan Dusky @Studies in Characters. Morgan’s blog has been taken over by her characters, and these eleven are a lot of fun! You should totally check out her (or rather their!) blog. […]

Introducing Riley and the School-Year Schedule

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of schedules for the ‘new year,’ I’d like you to meet someone. 🙂 Isn’t he adorable? Yeah, I know that isn’t the best picture … I took it on the way home from picking him up yesterday! Yes, we did get him a couple days early … and even then, […]

Vote for Me! ~all your wildest dreams will come true~

Some of you may have noticed this page. That’s right, guys. They’re electing the queen (or king) of the bloggers, essentially … only democratically … so, yep, time to elect me your president! How to do that? Well, it’s all explained in better detail here, but basically, you go to this page, read my promises, and […]

The Lady of the Vineyard, Blog Tour Sign-ups

A few quick updates before we begin … Giving away an autographed copy of The Dressmaker’s Secret on Goodreads. Actually making progress on Ivy Introspective! 😀 I’ve chosen some titles for The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, Book 4. Vote here! Still looking for beta-readers for The Lady of the Vineyard. Well, guys, it’s time […]

The Silent Blade by Jesseca Wheaton

Hi guys! It’s time for a review of The Silent Blade by Jesseca Wheaton! I’m a proud member of her blog tour, and today is my scheduled posting day, so I’m posting when I wouldn’t usually (according to my new schedule … which I should mention to you sometimes includes no weekend posts unless I’m […]

Blogging Hiatus

Hi guys! I’m not going to be blogging for a while! Well, I’ll be back around June 1st to be specific. I’m pretty busy right now with school and band concerts and writing deadlines and stuff. See you in June! ~Kellyn Roth