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To Middle (To Write or Not To Write, #1)

Today I will have a few tips on writing a middle. I was inspired by Liv (who suggested this post) and Cora, who started the blog tag To Write or Not to Write and nominated me. To find out more about that, go here. I’m calling this the first, as it is the first on Reveries, […]

Happy Birthday to Meeeeeee!

Okay, first of all, IT’S MY BIRTHDAY OMG I’M FIFTEEN I CAN DRIVE AAAAAAH THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING TO MEEEEE THIS IS JUUUUUST A DREEEEEAAAAM!!!! #subtlecarrieunderwoodreference 😉 Anyway, in celebration, I invite you to … buy a copy of The Dressmaker’s Secret. On Amazon, Createspace, or Barnes&Nobles. What? I’m totally just kidding … sorta. Seriously, […]

Dares for August 2016

When I was walking into Spooky’s (local pizza place) a week or so back with the fam, I was stopped by someone shouting, “Hey, you!” I turned to the sound of the “Hey, you.” (I tend to respond to them …) She, a girl about my age: *makes eye contact* “Do you remember me?” Me: […]

The Lady of the Vineyard, Blog Tour Sign-ups

A few quick updates before we begin … Giving away an autographed copy of The Dressmaker’s Secret on Goodreads. Actually making progress on Ivy Introspective! 😀 I’ve chosen some titles for The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, Book 4. Vote here! Still looking for beta-readers for The Lady of the Vineyard. Well, guys, it’s time […]

How to Start a Novel

Now, I’ve never really had problems with starting novels. Finishing them, yes, definitely. Starting them … not so much. It’s actually one of my worst habits, novel-starting. But a friend of mine asked me to write a post on starting novels … so here I am. I talked about this a little in my post […]

Renaming “Beyond the Wall”

Hi guys! Just so you know, I wrote this post last Friday and scheduled it for today … I’m on vacation in Bend, Oregon, right now! I’ll be back this afternoon, though! 🙂 There are thousands upon thousands of books named Beyond the Wall. Ok, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but there are pages of books […]

July Character Studies ~ Beliefs, Ideals, and Morals

Well, it’s time for another Character Studies! This time we have “Beliefs, Ideals, and Morals” for the subject. It’s a fun one. I’ve noticed that most people are doing unfeeling pessimists. Or perhaps that’s just me. At any rate, I’m doing a character I don’t know much about, so … maybe she’s an unfeeling pessimist. […]

The Silent Blade by Jesseca Wheaton

Hi guys! It’s time for a review of The Silent Blade by Jesseca Wheaton! I’m a proud member of her blog tour, and today is my scheduled posting day, so I’m posting when I wouldn’t usually (according to my new schedule … which I should mention to you sometimes includes no weekend posts unless I’m […]

Introducing Reveries Reviews

As you may have noticed, there have been a lot of reviews on Reveries recently. As you may or may not know, this was not meant to be a reviewing blog! Sure, a review a week doesn’t hurt. I’m an author, and introducing you to the books of other authors is a lot of fun for […]

How to Avoid the Nightmares of Editing

If you think I’m about to tell you how NOT to edit, you’re wrong. I’m just going to tell you how to edit without pain. What? you say. That’s impossible! The definition of editing is ‘a painful process by which authors attempt to improve their books.’ That’s not true! Editing doesn’t have to be awful! Of […]

The Old River Road by Ivy Rose

The Old River Road by Ivy Rose Long Lake Legacy, #1 When seventeen-year-old Clara Boutwell married her dashing coworker, William McDonald, she was convinced her life was near perfect. The journey before them as newlyweds in the great city of Chicago was promising and exciting. But a frightening disease soon takes William in its grip, […]

Beyond All Dreams by Elizabeth Camden

Hi, I’m back from camp, guys! Good to see you all again! *gives everyone hugs* What? After all that “truth or dare,” I’m basically fearless! I hug random people and sing for them and dance and lick trees! I AM AMAZING!!! Beyond All Dreams by Elizabeth Camden Anna O’Brien leads a predictable and quiet life as […]