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3 Annoying Female Lead Tropes in Historical Romances

There are a lot of annoying female lead tropes out there. There are a lot of ALL KINDS OF tropes out there. But I read a lot of historical romance. And so that’s what bugs me. In this post, I’m going to be pulling apart three annoying female lead tropes in historical romance … because […]

Faith Alone | Blog Tour Intro and Mini Review!

Hey, ladies and gents! Today I’m privileged to share my review of Faith Alone along with the blog tour information (so lots of fun stops for you). I was just going to share the blog tour info, but I realized I had a lot to say about Faith Alone. (All good things, all good things […]

March 2019 Dares

HEY THERE! I always forget February is a short month, and honestly, 28 is sooo much less than 30! But here we are. Still alive. I think. I feel like I’m not really up to writing this post, but I am anyway, which is dangerous. *squints at my words, wondering if each one sounds crazy […]

5 Romance Tropes I Can’t Get Enough Of

Hi y’all! Today I’m going to tell you about 5 romance tropes I can’t get enough of. Why? Because they are perfect. Because we all need a little awesome cliché in our lives. Because originality is overrated, and why teach a old dog new tricks if you can just tweak the trick so it’s slightly […]

Who Won Kell’s 1K Contest?

Heyyyyyy, y’all! I’ve been crazy busy! *making up excuses for not getting stuff done* #likeapro #afakepro So yep, I went ahead and skipped this last week both because I was exhausted, sick (feverish symptoms? Might just be girl stuff, but who knows), and I had a bunch of stuff to do. Also, last week basically […]

I’m Back {A Bunch of Updates}

Well. I’m back! And now it’s time for me to tell you about all the stuff I’ve been doing in the last month, etc. So if you’re not a fan of rambly updates, be gone. (I’m just kidding; stick around, anyway. I’ll try to make this not-rambly. Though it’s painful, you know. Like ripping apart […]

Beyond Her Calling, Blog Tour: Day 3

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to the third day of the Beyond Her Calling blog tour! Wow, the days are going fast, am I right? Today is Ivy Day! Which means from this point forward, the post shall belong to one Miss Ivy Knight, and she shall talk about her story and give some bio details […]

Fate of the Watchman: Blog Tour Intro

Hello readers! Welcome to the first day of the Fate of the Watchman tour! Fate of the Watchman is a pulse-pounding futuristic Christian thriller. There’s a link to the giveaway at the end of the post, just so you know! Wish I could enter … *sighs sadly because blog tour hosts are unfortunately not allowed […]

Orphans of the West, Blog Tour: Intro

I was hugely honored to be allowed to host the blog tour for the last two stories in Faith Blum’s Orphans of the West books! It was fun to set it up and work with Faith, and I’m super excited to see how it goes! There’s a really neat giveaway as well as some fun book-quotes and of […]

Writers: Push Introversion Aside for a Day

Hello writers! I’m not the only introvert here, am I? I thought not. Extroverted writers exist – and in fact, I know quite a few! – but they’re less common than introverts. That’s because writing is a solitary sport. For that reason, it’s not really a big deal if writers are introverts. In fact, it’s […]

A Princess At Heart by Loretta MZ (Book Spotlight)

Today we’ve got a book spotlight for A Princess at Heart by Loretta MZ! It looks like a cute little book! I’ve read part of book 1, and it looks like it’s a sweet fairytale for middle grade readers. 🙂 And, of course, we’ve got our Reveries Reader Group info at the end of this post. […]

A Defense of Honor by Kristi Ann Hunter

I LOVED Kristi Ann Hunter’s A Defense of Honor! But before I get into my ranting, fangirling review (I’m trying to keep it minimal, don’t worry), I’ll talk briefly about … CAMP NANO BEING OVER! Guess what? I went over my goal of 60,000 at 76,441! (Just so you know, ~30K of those were Before […]