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September 2017 Spotlight: My Obsession with Personality Types

Like many before me (and many who shall come after), I love classifying myself and others by the MBTI personality types. The basic idea is that every human being on earth can be classified loosely into one of the sixteen types. These types are defined by a combination of three letters. My type, for instance, […]

September 2017 Character Studies: Adae of Maran

Time again for a round of questions by Morgan Dusky @ Studies in Character! I know it’s soon after the last round, but I really need to figure one of my characters (Adae from, well, Adae) out, and the questions are here, sooo? Why wait! This month’s theme is “the great outdoors!” If you want […]

25 Spoiler-Free Facts about Ivy Introspective

A few months ago, I posted 25 Spoiler-Free Facts About The Dressmaker’s Secret. And if you thought I was just going to do it for one novel, you were wrong. (No surprise there, eh?) (What?! I’m kidding!) (You are a very smart person … you’re just dumb about this one thing …) I stole this idea […]

September 2017 Dares & Summer Ends

A single tear slid down the girl’s pale cheek. Her lips trembled, and she breathed slowly, evenly to prevent her sobs from ripping from her throat. Her mascara, a sickly dark brown color, stuck to her lower eyelashes, giving the appearance of a tween who has no idea how to do her face. She picked […]

Money + Plans for Money + Other Stuff

I was just thinking along, minding my own business, when suddenly, it hit me. I’m going into my last year of school. After I’m finished, I intend to get a job, save money, and take some community college courses for the first year. And … those are honestly my only plans. I mean, I want […]

Summer Goals + Updates

Hello ladies and gents! First, I’m going to have to ask my friend Lana to forgive me for using her beautiful illustration without her permission. I quite frankly forgot to ask. I did credit her, however. So … am I forgiven?* I’m a terrible person. Second, this is a kind of random post with a […]

June Wrapup + Hiatus

Wowza … July already? I know I’ve said this practically every month, but time flies. Time is like the jet plane of flying. I dislike time mightily … I feel like I didn’t do a lot in June, but I did publish two books. So that includes a lot of formatting and sweat and blood […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 9

It’s Day 9! That’s right. For nine ENTIRE days I’ve been posting the EXACT. SAME. POST.* and it is sooo boring for everyone involved. Including myself. Like, I am so bored with blogging right now. Because it’s the EXACT. SAME. POST.™ ** So I decided to switch it up a little. *with slight variants (I […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 8

Hello! Welcome to day 8! I can’t believe we’ve been doing this for over a week now.  *dances* I wish I had something exciting to do here … I should just talk about random stuff. Watching soccer is like watching people eat. “Yep, went down to McDonald’s today … watched my little brother finishing off […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 7

Good morning, ladies and gents! We’ve only got a little less than a week of blog tour to go … and though that is sad (I want people to keep on talking about me – I mean, my books – forever), it’s also good that soon I’ll be back to my normal posting schedule. A […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 5

It’s release day! *excited dancing* You can now purchase IvIn in Kindle. (Not that I expect you to, but that it is a possibility.) Paperback may take a while to get out, perhaps upwards of a couple days, but it will eventually. (Sorry for the delay … once again, busyness abounds!) For the release day, not […]

The Truth About Outlining Revealed

Today we’re going to be talking about outlining. ‘Cause we all know it’s not truly what we think it is. *wiggles eyebrows* People nowadays pass outlining off as something any author can do in excess without losing their souls. But is it? This greatly-debated question is the subject of our post today. Though this is […]