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Introducing the New Characters in A Prayer Unanswered (+ ARC Signups!)

Today I have an exciting announcement—ARC signups for A Prayer Unanswered are open! And this time, I’m doing paperbacks! This link with all the info on that is here, but I’ll explain more later. However, I wanted to do something other than just talk about the new arrivals to this series. What better way to […]

Kell’s Characters vs. Covid-19: a definitive guide

With all the craziness of Covid-19, etc., I decided to replace my regularly-scheduled post (that will instead be coming out this Monday) with something a little more light-hearted … though still relevant, of course! 😉 This post will focus on what my characters would do if, living in the modern-day world, they got caught up […]

Souls Astray Blog Tour: Character Takeover Day!

Did you miss me? I hope so, because I’m back with the Souls Astray tour, and it’s not fun to come back and find you weren’t missed. *quiet weeping* But yep, it feels a bit weird to not update every day … I’m also falling waaay behind, so that’s not good. Y’all pray I won’t […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 5

Only two more days of blog touring! I can’t believe it’s going so fast! All the amazing bloggers as well as the readers who keep me going with their comments have made this time really fly. Today’s process day! That means we’ll be talking about how At Her Fingertips came to be thought of, brainstormed, outlined, […]

September 2017 Character Studies: Adae of Maran

Time again for a round of questions by Morgan Dusky @ Studies in Character! I know it’s soon after the last round, but I really need to figure one of my characters (Adae from, well, Adae) out, and the questions are here, sooo? Why wait! This month’s theme is “the great outdoors!” If you want […]

Character Studies | August 2017

Hello ladies and gents! Guess what? Character Studies is back! I am so excited! Morgan’s blog, Studies in Character, is the best ever, and doing her character interviews always helps me figure out something about a character. Basically, Morgan’s been super busy and gone since the New Year (and hasn’t done Character Studies since October […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 7

Good morning, ladies and gents! We’ve only got a little less than a week of blog tour to go … and though that is sad (I want people to keep on talking about me – I mean, my books – forever), it’s also good that soon I’ll be back to my normal posting schedule. A […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 6

Here I am on this glorious (103 degree) Sunday afternoon, writing this post and wishing I was in England. Where 80 degrees is a heat wave, according to one of my English friends. Or Scotland. I’d rather be in Scotland than England, to be honest. Or Ireland. Either one. Seriously, though, I don’t mind the […]

In Which We Examine Millie Lark on a Non-Professional Basis

Today we’re going to take a peak at the inner workings of a character from The Lady of the Vineyard. Her name is Millie Lark. She is Adele Collier’s best friend. She gets all of two paragraphs of page-time in TLOTV and perhaps a mention in Flowers. However, I like Millie and am considering writing a […]