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March 2020 Dares & February 2020 Wrapup

It’s the day after the Ides of March, and I’m just now publishing my dares post and February wrapup, and that’s sad but … I have an announcement! Ivy Introspective is done! It is written! It is edited! (Which I did in like a day … yeah!) And it is with the beta-readers! Yes, it […]

February 2019 Dares

Warning: this is going to be a short post because Kell is exhausted and just wants to go back to her secret pleasure, Alone in Berlin. 😅 Since it’s been a while since I did this, let me quickly explain: I try to do monthly posts to “dare” myself to do more in the next month. […]

September 2018 Dares

Guess who totally forgot about her monthly dares until just now? (I’ll give you a hint: it wasn’t you.) It has been a very busy month thus far, between setting up Reveries Co., editing, writing, and planning (lottttsss of planning!), and some things have just slipped through the cracks! However, here I am with my […]

May 2018 Dares

*blinks* Okay, so, April was … pretty crazy? And I only half-survived it, but I’m here, and I’m better, and it’s all good. *two thumbs up* I’m still reeling a bit from April (five days into May, I know, it’s hard to adjust!). So making plans for May feels distant. Combined with the fact that […]

April 2018 Dares

I don’t want March to be over yet. *sniffles* April is going to be super busy, and March was slightly more restful than months past (what with our spring break, having most of  this week off work due to the school’s spring break, and now Easter). On the other hand … I’m excited for April! […]

May 2017 Dares

Whoa. It’s … it’s May already? But … but … I wasn’t finished with April yet! *sobs* I WANT MORE APRIL!!! I want to spend more time working on Once a Stratton. I want to have more time to work on IvIn and TDS. I don’t want more of this weather, though. Rain, rain, rain. […]