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The Best of Intentions by Susan Anne Mason (+an important survey!)

Hey y’all! Today I’m going to post a quick review of The Best of Intentions by Susan Anne Mason followed by a quick authory update (because I have newssss!). Also, I hope to have some more awesome blog posts up later this week! For now, I apologize for not having any particularly awesome. But I […]

The Victorian Ideal vs. Modern Romantics {Part 1}

Just a couple weeks ago, I posted about how Christian girls shouldn’t wrap their worlds around marriage. And, to balance that out, now I’m going to give you some marriage advice! Okay, okay. I’m joking! I’m really just going to ramble about a trope I’ve noticed in old books, some history, and how that relates […]

A Heart Most Worthy by Siri Mitchell

Title: A Heart Most Worthy Author: Siri Mitchell Series: Against All Expectations, #4 (is meant to be a standalone) Genre: Historical Romance with Christian undertones Era: 1918 (WW1) Setting: Boston, United States Publisher: Bethany House Source: bought myself a copy at the local library Time Taken to Read: about three days Overall Rating: 5/5 stars

Swazi Sunrise by Donna Chapman Gilbert

Title: Swazi Sunrise Author: Donna Chapman Gilbert Genre: Christian Nonfiction/Biography (missionaries) Era: early 1900s (1907 through the early 1920s) Setting: New York, then Africa Publisher: Donna Chapman Gilbert Source: from author (in exchange for honest review) Overall Rating: 4/5 stars Swazi Sunrise by Donna Chapman Gilbert 19-year-old Lula is bookish and shy. She longs for a […]

Fitting In by Rebekah A. Morris

Title: Fitting In Author: Rebekah A. Morris (http://readanotherpage.com/) Genre: Christian historical fiction Age-Range: middle grade/young adult Era: early 1900s, I believe? Setting: a little town, presumably out west Publisher: Read Another Page, Rebekah A. Morris Source: author (in exchange for honest review) Rating: 4/5 stars Content: 1/5. Nothing that made me uncomfortable. A character who […]

A Worthy Heart by Susan Anne Mason

A Worthy Heart by Susan Anne Mason Courage to Dream, #2 Can an Irish Lass with a Dream for America Find True Love? Maggie Montgomery’s long-held wish to see America is finally coming true. She’ll visit her beloved brother Rylan and his wife, Colleen, and at the same time, escape Neill Fitzgerald’s unwanted attention. In […]