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December 2016 Dares

Once again we come around to our dares. As I skipped the month of November dare-wise (as all I wanted to do was write At Her Fingertips, which I did succeed at), I have nothing to fill you in on. That’s right. This month you don’t get to scroll through my post laughing maniacally at […]

NaNoWriMo 2016: Wrap-Up

At Her Fingertips is officially finished at 66,172 words. Yesterday I wrote 8,611 which brought me to 65,978 words. I wrote the rest this morning. I’m pretty proud of myself. Last NaNo, I wrote 40,000-some words; the NaNo before that, it was 36,000. Both times, I barely made that. This year, however, it was easy […]

NaNoWriMo 2016, Update #5

Guess what? That’s right! I currently have 53,462 words. However, I made my goal (50,000) on the 25th. How many more words do I expect to get before November’s up? Well, at most I expect to reach 60,000 … but even that would be a stretch. I think I have that much material story-wise … […]

NaNoWriMo 2016 Update #4

I decided to do the post today as I doubt I’ll have time for one tomorrow – and I’ll be at the beach, anyway – and I obviously didn’t have time for one Monday! 🙂 At 44,594 words (and I haven’t written yet today), I’m zipping along at a pretty decent pace. Can I write 5,406 […]

NaNoWriMo 2016 Update #1

At 14,588 words, I’m pretty proud with what I’ve accomplished this November so far. I think I could have done more … but there have been distractions. School, visiting siblings, an early Thanksgiving dinner, realizing that I haven’t touched my guitar in months and that the only song I practiced this year on my clarinet […]

Plotting Crash Course, Day Four: Cheat Sheets and a Break

Well, we’ve only got a couple more days until NaNoWriMo starts. I’ve been doing a lot of work to get myself prepared – such as spending all afternoon and evening yesterday reading a random book which has nothing to do with NaNo Prep. Yep. Subtle sarcasm … Seriously, though, folks. Lately I’ve been working a […]

Plotting Crash Course, Day 2: Character Sheets and Aesthetics

Today we’ll be talking about character sheets and novel aesthetics, because I started developing a playlist today, got excited about it, and need to share it with you. Let’s start out with character sheets. Now, everyone has their own version of the character sheets, and you can find about a thousand, all relatively good, by […]

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programing …

… to bring you a special news bulletin! First, I just had a mental block and couldn’t figure out how to spell ‘bulletin’ for, like, five minutes. Which is weird because I’m usually a pretty good speller … Second (and more importantly), I just finished writing Ivy Introspective! I know! It’s so exciting! Yes, I […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 4: Western and Inspiration (Animals, that is)

Hosted by Read Another Page Today is ‘western’ and ‘inspirational’ day. Now, I couldn’t remember reading any books that counted as ‘inspirational,’ so … yeah. I guess I just don’t need inspiring. XD So I replaced ‘inspirational’ with ‘animals.’ Yeah … that is a genre … 😛 Remember, you could win this prize … And […]

Quick Announcement for Five Fall Favorites

Hi guys! We of the Five Fall Favorites blog party decided to up the stakes! If we reach 75 people entered in the Grand Prize giveaway, we will give a 2nd place prize of: a $5 Amazon Gift Card and Two Kindle Books If we reach 100 or more people we’ll give a 3rd place […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 3: Biography and Fantasy

Hosted by Welcome to day 3! *crunches on a crispy apple* Today I’m gonna be telling you about my Top 5 Biographies and Fantasies. … like people actually read biographies for enjoyment … *chuckles* *realizes I know people who do* *is confused* Remember to visit the other blogs that are a part of the […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 2: Romance and Historical Fiction

Welcome to day 2 of Five Fall Favorites! Today I’ll be showcasing two of my favorite genres … romance and historical fiction! 😀 Just a quick reminder … this is what’s at stake: If I were you, I’d definitely go to Rebekah’s blog and enter now! Hurry up … the prizes are awesome, and you only […]