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The Kees & Colliers Blog Tour Wrapup

Are you as ready for the Kees & Colliers blog tour wrapup as I am? I mean … a part of me wants it to go on and on, but it can’t. So. WRAPUP! Sidenote: it’s my birthday! So other than today we’re going to have prescheduled posts this week. (BIRTHDAAAYYY TRIPPP!!! Also, do y’all […]

Blog Tour Posts for Kees & Colliers Once Again

Some more blog tour posts? you say. That’ll be boring, you say. WELL, THINK AGAIN, BECAUSE SOME OF MY FAVORITE POSTS ARE INCLUDED, MATE! Really, though, this post can serve other purposes. For instance, it can remind you to ENTER THE AWESOME GIVEAWAY or simply check out my books, if that’s your thing. ?? So […]

I’m Back {A Bunch of Updates}

Well. I’m back! And now it’s time for me to tell you about all the stuff I’ve been doing in the last month, etc. So if you’re not a fan of rambly updates, be gone. (I’m just kidding; stick around, anyway. I’ll try to make this not-rambly. Though it’s painful, you know. Like ripping apart […]

Goldfish Secrets Is Launched! (+announcements)

Guess what? Goldfish Secrets is officially launched! You can now purchase it on the following online stores. So what? say you. Well, there’s a giveaway that everyone can enter, and of course y’all should just be glad that I published a new novel. *gives you a weird look* *because you obviously don’t care about me* […]

2019: Year of the Relaunch

It has been forever since I’ve had a post where I got to ramble about my future plans. Since I always have future plans (even though they’re not quite organized enough to be un-rambly). So … let’s talk about 2019! I know that seems like a long ways away, but I’ve got some shocking announcements. […]

Writers: Push Introversion Aside for a Day

Hello writers! I’m not the only introvert here, am I? I thought not. Extroverted writers exist – and in fact, I know quite a few! – but they’re less common than introverts. That’s because writing is a solitary sport. For that reason, it’s not really a big deal if writers are introverts. In fact, it’s […]

We’re Having an Event

Goldfish Secrets is launching and Flowers is getting a paperback version! This is happening on the 10th of September. Soooo … obviously we gotta celebrate, right? THE ANSWER IS “RIGHT,” Y’ALL. (Sorry for giving that away before you had a chance to think about it.) We are gonna celebrate like mad. Well … more like I’ve […]