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This Used to be a Quality Blog (& here’s why it’s not anymore)

The first part of the title is kind of a lie, but it got your attention, now, didn’t it? 😉 No, this was never a quality blog, but it was an UPDATED blog, which is something, eh? Nowadays, it’s not. Well, it is now, but in general, I’ve been struggling to find time for blogging. […]

Meant to Thrive {semi-hiatus explanation}

Hi everyone! Looks like I won’t be posting much except required scheduled posts (e.g. blog tours/etc. I agreed to do ahead of time). In July and early August, I’ll be posting every Saturday to update you on the Kees & Colliers blog tour, but otherwise, this will probably be a very lean summer. And here’s […]

Big Event Postponed: Hiatus Ensuing

That’s right … Reveries is going on a week+-long hiatus! I’m planning on returning on 27th. Why is this? Well, Kell (me) is going to a writer’s conference in Portland with the amazing Ivy Rose, and of course there shall be no blogging! And yes, I do realize that in the last post, I said something big […]

August 2018 Dares (At Long Last!)

Apparently 9 is also too late for me to be writer-ing blog posts? That graphic is my mind spilled out onto Canva. 😂 Yes. Yes, we are still doing this. The Dares shall not end. They were just … temporarily … delayed. I guess. For this post, I’ll just briefly recap what all happened in May and […]

December & 2017 Reading Round-Up

Hi there! Long time no see! *nervous gulp* Well, y’all are gonna thank me for my (unannounced) hiatus in the long run. Because it gave me time to think.* And … I decided that I needed to take Reveries Reviews in a new direction. (Sort of.) From now on, I’ll be doing monthly reading wrap-up […]

June Wrapup + Hiatus

Wowza … July already? I know I’ve said this practically every month, but time flies. Time is like the jet plane of flying. I dislike time mightily … I feel like I didn’t do a lot in June, but I did publish two books. So that includes a lot of formatting and sweat and blood […]

In Which Kellyn Rests

When you read that title, you probably went, “Oh, no! Kellyn’s going on [yet another] hiatus!” You’re probably in a state of near-panic, right? Well, aren’t you? Eesh. I can’t believe it makes no difference to you. But the real question is, Are you really leaving us? Well, I am and I ain’t. I will be slowing […]

California, Cats, and Contests

California I’m in California, guys! Been here since Saturday. And … nothing big to report here. I’ll probably post some pictures next week (as in the week after this week). Stay tuned for that. Cats I admit ‘cats’ is completely random, unless you count the one sleeping behind me on the couch. Which is my […]

Back from “Hiatus”

I put it in quotation marks because, though I was technically not blogging for these last couple weeks, I published three posts (all reviews) during that time. 🙂 Well, guys, I’m back, well rested-up now. I’ve finished up school for the year, gotten through the terrors of band concert (which is actually not terrible … and a […]

Blogging Hiatus

Hi guys! I’m not going to be blogging for a while! Well, I’ll be back around June 1st to be specific. I’m pretty busy right now with school and band concerts and writing deadlines and stuff. See you in June! ~Kellyn Roth