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Becoming Miss Knight needs help to launch!

Hello readers! As you know, Becoming Miss Knight is coming soon! However, for this launch, I didn’t have quite as much time to prep as I’d like (life got crazy). For this reason, I’m running a bit behind schedule and won’t have a normal blog tour, etc. However, I decided I’d still do all the […]

How Did 2019 Go, Anyway?

Hey everyone! This is my first post on my brand new (ish) blog, and I’m super excited! I can’t wait to share more awesome posts with you. But this first post is a boring one just talking about the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN THE WORLD, THE AMAZING KELLYN ROTH. Okay, you’ve got me – I’m […]

The Reveries Redirection {Once Again}

“The Reveries Redirection,” you say. “Once again,” you say. “What da heck is going on with Kell,” you say. You may say all these things, but if you want answers, read this post. Okay, that was a dumb gimmick. Basically, I have some stuff to talk about – my blog is having a CONTENT makeover-ish […]

Why Indie Authors Must Compartmentalize

Hi there! It’s Kell, and I was on vacation at Gearhart, Oregon, so naturally this is a little late. I totally missed Wednesday as my computer wouldn’t function, and I was tired. Now, while I was on that beach trip to Gearhart (check out my Instagram for pictures!), I realized something about myself. It’s something […]

February 2019 Dares

Warning: this is going to be a short post because Kell is exhausted and just wants to go back to her secret pleasure, Alone in Berlin. 😅 Since it’s been a while since I did this, let me quickly explain: I try to do monthly posts to “dare” myself to do more in the next month. […]

What I’m Trying to Learn About Prioritization

Prioritization. I’m not so good that. It’s much more fun to skip from project to project, to work on the least important thing, to live life without a plan … At least, it is for me. Other people feel differently and are better at planning and scoping out their life. I’m just not one of […]

5 Reasons Adulting is Awesome

Hello y’all! I’m seventeen, and I’m not an adult. I graduated from high school and have some part-time jobs (on and off the internet), but I still live with my folks + don’t have to feed or water or walk myself. So. I am nowhere near qualified to write on this subject, but you know what? […]

A Fish + My Crazy Life + More Delays

We all have ’em … crazy months. This month has been cRaZy for me, but I’m still here – and you’re still here – and this blog is still here. Nice when there’s something to hang on to, like visual reality. 😅😬😝 Great, now I sound like my mother. That’s fine, though. This post is going […]

Who Won Kell’s 1K Contest?

Heyyyyyy, y’all! I’ve been crazy busy! *making up excuses for not getting stuff done* #likeapro #afakepro So yep, I went ahead and skipped this last week both because I was exhausted, sick (feverish symptoms? Might just be girl stuff, but who knows), and I had a bunch of stuff to do. Also, last week basically […]

I’m Back {A Bunch of Updates}

Well. I’m back! And now it’s time for me to tell you about all the stuff I’ve been doing in the last month, etc. So if you’re not a fan of rambly updates, be gone. (I’m just kidding; stick around, anyway. I’ll try to make this not-rambly. Though it’s painful, you know. Like ripping apart […]

October and November Are Coming

So this is going to be a pretty relaxed, quick post explaining all the stuff going on. It’s going to be scary. It’s going to be rushed. But it must be done. Because I care about you not being completely confused through these next two months. So. Without further ado, let me tell you about […]