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Welcome to 2024 (and how 2023 went)

Welcome to 2024, a year that I like the sound of much more than 2023 (I hate odd numbers)! As 2023 came to a close, I realized that it had only been a month long, and that disturbed me. I should have had more than a month to do all the things I had to […]

A New Sort of Christmas

Disclaimers & Introduction I went back and forth on the content of this post so many times because it’s kind of a downer, but also, I’ve kind of decided that there’s no purpose whatsoever in not discussing the fact that Matthew and I are struggling with infertility (which by the way, serves as your content […]

Feeling 22 & Other Miscellaneous Updates on My Life

Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted something just about me. Oddly enough, I don’t really feel like I’m in a good mood to do that with any reasonability 90% of the time, and even if I am, I’m too busy to do so. It feels so much more pressing to post about […]

The Heart Behind Second-Chance Romance {Romance Trop Blog Collaboration}

Hello my friends! Today I’m joining a blog collaboration with Grace A. Johnson and R.M. Archer. Our goal is to share about certain romance tropes. You can read Grace’s post on enemies-to-lovers here and R.M.’s post on arranged marriages. But now I get to say my piece, and I’m talking about something I don’t believe […]

Let’s Talk about Wild Blue Wonder Press

Wild Blue Wonder Press is launched, and I realized I haven’t officially chatted about it on my blog, so here we go. Wild Blue Wonder Press has always been my main imprint, but I’ve wanted it to be something more, well, forever! In particular, I wanted it to serve as a way to help indie […]

Reviving Dares Despite the Immaturity Thereof | June 2022 Dares

Many years ago (in August 2016), I started a trend on my blog called “Dares.” (See my cringey first-ever post and explanation of the name here.) Every month, I’d post a wrap-up of the previous months and “dare” myself to do a list of things in the month to come. It was actually kind of […]

A Post of Conundrums (in which I ramble about what God is saying to me)

Lately, I’ve been having a lot of thoughts, and it’s been a long time since I’ve rambled here. So I decided to talk about two things: Being a control freak and being a lazy bum. More or less. So let’s talk about that. The Self-Control Conundrum My car has been in two accidents (I was […]

Becoming Miss Knight needs help to launch!

Hello readers! As you know, Becoming Miss Knight is coming soon! However, for this launch, I didn’t have quite as much time to prep as I’d like (life got crazy). For this reason, I’m running a bit behind schedule and won’t have a normal blog tour, etc. However, I decided I’d still do all the […]

February 2020 Dares & January 2020 Wrapup

The expression on my face = Give up, January. You can’t win. I’ve got Jesus and Ian and Bailey. *shrug* Okay, I always say this … but … JANUARY 2020 WENT SO MCFRICKEN’ CHICKEN FAST! Like, I feel like my December and November were lots slower than January. And here we are in FEBRUARY!? What […]

Lessons Learned from Not Writing

I haven’t not been writing for more than a few days altogether in a long time. I just write like that — in bulk, pushing myself as far as I can go. But now I’m not writing. In fact, I’m not doing a lot of the things I have always been pushing myself to do. […]