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Love Lifted Me By Faith Blum: Blog Tour Wrapup

Today I’m wrapping up the blog tour for Faith Blum’s Love Lifted Me! Thanks so much for everyone to participated and shared about the book. ABOUT THE BOOK Elaheh’s brothers are lazy and controlling … When Elaheh’s parents die, she is devastated, especially when her brothers seem to not care at all. They slowly make […]

Love Lifted Me by Faith Blum: Blog Tour & Giveaway

Welcome to the blog tour for Faith Blum’s historical retelling novella, Love Lifted Me. This novel was inspired by both Cinderella and The Song of Solomon, and the tour is being hosted by Reveries Co. As you can see, I’m posting off-the-schedule so I can hit you right on release day – yes, the book […]

More than a Second Chance by Lisa Renee (Blog Tour Intro)

Welcome to the blog tour intro for Lisa Renee’s novel, More than a Second Chance! This Christian contemporary novel, which features some tough themes and sweet romance, is on tour with Reveries Co. for the next month! There’s a giveaway, there are interviews, there are reviews, there are book spotlights … all in all, it’s […]

The Reveries Redirection {Once Again}

“The Reveries Redirection,” you say. “Once again,” you say. “What da heck is going on with Kell,” you say. You may say all these things, but if you want answers, read this post. Okay, that was a dumb gimmick. Basically, I have some stuff to talk about – my blog is having a CONTENT makeover-ish […]

Why Indie Authors Must Compartmentalize

Hi there! It’s Kell, and I was on vacation at Gearhart, Oregon, so naturally this is a little late. I totally missed Wednesday as my computer wouldn’t function, and I was tired. Now, while I was on that beach trip to Gearhart (check out my Instagram for pictures!), I realized something about myself. It’s something […]

The Kees & Colliers Blog Tour Signups

Hello, ladies and gents! Today I have an announcement which I already announced a while back but which I’m just now getting back on with edits and a bunch of other crap behind me … Signups are now open for the Kees & Colliers blog tour! Which means you can now click here, sign up, […]

Souls Astray: Blog Tour Intro {Giveaway, Posts, & More!}

Well. It’s time for crazy screaming and random crying because SOULS ASTRAY IS LIVE ON AMAZON, AND THE BLOG TOUR IS HAPPENING! And there’s a giveaway! And it includes some special things you can do to earn extra points (#KellSaysYoureGreat). I’m just so excited that I don’t want to wait another moment, so let’s get […]

Faith Alone | Blog Tour Wrapup

Well, ladies and gents, are you ready to see the complete line up of blog posts for the Faith Alone blog tour? Because I am! We’ve got some great reviews, interviews, and book spotlights from people of all walks of life! Which I think makes it a well-rounded blog tour which gives you some different […]

Faith Alone | Blog Tour Intro and Mini Review!

Hey, ladies and gents! Today I’m privileged to share my review of Faith Alone along with the blog tour information (so lots of fun stops for you). I was just going to share the blog tour info, but I realized I had a lot to say about Faith Alone. (All good things, all good things […]

March 2019 Dares

HEY THERE! I always forget February is a short month, and honestly, 28 is sooo much less than 30! But here we are. Still alive. I think. I feel like I’m not really up to writing this post, but I am anyway, which is dangerous. *squints at my words, wondering if each one sounds crazy […]

The Live Without You Blog Tour (Review and Giveaway!)

Today I have a very special review to share … one of Live Without You by Sarah Grace Grzy! This novel was written by a dear friend of mine, and I’m so excited for her. At the end of this review is a giveaway as well as a link to the blog tour schedule (be […]

Souls Astray: Cover Reveal!

Are you read to see Souls Astray‘s cover? Because today I’m going to give it to you … along with a preorder link and announcements about blog tours and whatnot! For that reason, today’s post will be short, but you know what? I’m still exhausted, so it had to be that way. And yeah, I […]