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TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 2

Annnnnd it’s Day 2! *everyone celebrates* *dancing in the streets* *salsa splashes everywhere* *its a salsa party* I … have no idea what any of that was about. So … yeah. Lots of .. salsa. I don’t even like salsa. #hatestomatoes #notaspicyperson So, today we have a couple fun posts, an informative vlog (don’t worry; they […]

Dares for October 2016

Well. I can’t believe September is over already! That went by in the flash. 😛 Well, let’s see how I did this September! 🙂 Dares for September 2016 Reading Read five books. Check! I think I read … eight? And those are only the ones I remembered to mark on Goodreads … that weren’t for […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 4: Western and Inspiration (Animals, that is)

Hosted by Read Another Page Today is ‘western’ and ‘inspirational’ day. Now, I couldn’t remember reading any books that counted as ‘inspirational,’ so … yeah. I guess I just don’t need inspiring. XD So I replaced ‘inspirational’ with ‘animals.’ Yeah … that is a genre … 😛 Remember, you could win this prize … And […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 2: Romance and Historical Fiction

Welcome to day 2 of Five Fall Favorites! Today I’ll be showcasing two of my favorite genres … romance and historical fiction! 😀 Just a quick reminder … this is what’s at stake: If I were you, I’d definitely go to Rebekah’s blog and enter now! Hurry up … the prizes are awesome, and you only […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 1: Mystery and Christian Fiction

The blog party has begun! Find out more about the blog party here! Yep! We’ve got some awesome stuff being given away. I’m very jealous of you. You at least get a chance of winning … I don’t. 🙁 😉 Anyway, today I’m going to be telling you about my top five favorites for the […]

The Lady of the Vineyard Blog Tour, Day 5

We’ve finally come to the last day of the blog tour! After this, we’ll be getting back to the normal schedule. Buy on Amazon (Kindle) ~ Buy on Amazon (Paperback) ~ Buy on Createspace ~ Add on Goodreads Today’s Posts: An author and character interview (and bonus book spotlight!) by Morgan Dusky (Studies in Character). It’s always so […]

The Lady of the Vineyard Blog Tour, Day 4

Wow … I can’t believe we’re already at day 4! Only one day to go! Well, I’ve got some sad news. This is our smallest day due to some problems people (including me!) had that made us have to do some re-scheduling! Oh, well. I deserve it for totally forgetting about 9/11. Everyone: *posting pictures saying […]

The Lady of the Vineyard Blog Tour, Day 3

PUBLISHING DAY IS FINALLY UPON US!!! That’s right, folks! You can now buy The Lady of the Vineyard on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats! Buy on Amazon (Kindle) ~ Buy on Amazon (Paperback) ~ Buy on Createspace (hint: more royalties to be gotten for your favorite author here! 😉 ) ~ Add on Goodreads As you can […]

The Lady of the Vineyard Blog Tour, Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of The Lady of the Vineyard‘s wonderous book-release blog tour! Today we’ll be talking about things never before discussed (at least not with you, that is) … a potential serial-story/short-story sequel to TLOTV on Reveries? Preorder on Amazon ~ Add on Goodreads Remember to spread this around the web! It’d be a […]

The Lady of the Vineyard Blog Tour, Day 1

Wow. I have never been so nervous and yet so excited at the same time. 😀 My very own blog tour! How marvelous! How wonderous! How perfectly … I’d better stop before I end up doing another Cruella Deville impression, but you get the point. It’s so exciting! 🙂 Preorder on Amazon ~ Add on […]

Happy Birthday to Meeeeeee!

Okay, first of all, IT’S MY BIRTHDAY OMG I’M FIFTEEN I CAN DRIVE AAAAAAH THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING TO MEEEEE THIS IS JUUUUUST A DREEEEEAAAAM!!!! #subtlecarrieunderwoodreference 😉 Anyway, in celebration, I invite you to … buy a copy of The Dressmaker’s Secret. On Amazon, Createspace, or Barnes&Nobles. What? I’m totally just kidding … sorta. Seriously, […]

Dares for August 2016

When I was walking into Spooky’s (local pizza place) a week or so back with the fam, I was stopped by someone shouting, “Hey, you!” I turned to the sound of the “Hey, you.” (I tend to respond to them …) She, a girl about my age: *makes eye contact* “Do you remember me?” Me: […]