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It’s Launch Day for Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion

Hello friends! Kellyn Roth here, and today is launch day for the Author Conservatory anthology, “Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion.” This anthology features nine amazing authors (myself included in that number – and yes, I did just call myself amazing) and has an important mission: highlighting young authors and sharing their […]

Street Team Call for Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion

GUESS WHAT? I’m getting published in an anthology. AND … There are a couple things that make this story and this anthology really important and really fun. This story features a character you know and love, if you’re a long-time reader. Even if you don’t know and love the character, you’ll want to support our […]

Introducing the Hiltons of Boston ~ A Post for the Like a Ship on the Sea Launch

Today’s post is an intro for a few characters who haven’t shown up in a novel I’ve written yet. Scroll down to read all about the Hiltons of Boston! Also, I’d like to apologize to all the bloggers/Instagrammers/etc. I haven’t checked in with/commented on/so on. Suffice to say, I will never be having my wisdom […]

Announcing the Springtime in Surrey Blog Tour & Launch Team Signups

Hey folks! This will be a short & sweet blog post … Will you join the blog tour AND/OR the launch team for Springtime in Surrey? You can click those links there, or you can read the descriptions below and decide what you want to join! Join the Blog Tour If you haven’t participated in […]

Becoming Miss Knight needs help to launch!

Hello readers! As you know, Becoming Miss Knight is coming soon! However, for this launch, I didn’t have quite as much time to prep as I’d like (life got crazy). For this reason, I’m running a bit behind schedule and won’t have a normal blog tour, etc. However, I decided I’d still do all the […]

Would you like to join my street team?

Guess what, y’all? With my release for Ivy Introspective coming up, I’ve decided to reformat my street team. A street team is a group of readers who are excited to share about an author’s book in one way or another (review, sharing about it on social media, simply telling friends, etc). Soooo … I have […]

The Kees & Colliers Blog Tour {Giveaway Included!}

Welcome to the blog tour and announcement and giveaway launch pad all rolled into one post! I’ve been “out of the office,” per se, but I had to pop on to make this post … and let you know what’s going on. This isn’t your average blog tour, but it’s still gonna be a fun […]