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Goldfish Secrets Is Launched! (+announcements)

Guess what? Goldfish Secrets is officially launched! You can now purchase it on the following online stores. So what? say you. Well, there’s a giveaway that everyone can enter, and of course y’all should just be glad that I published a new novel. *gives you a weird look* *because you obviously don’t care about me* […]

2019: Year of the Relaunch

It has been forever since I’ve had a post where I got to ramble about my future plans. Since I always have future plans (even though they’re not quite organized enough to be un-rambly). So … let’s talk about 2019! I know that seems like a long ways away, but I’ve got some shocking announcements. […]

We’re Having an Event

Goldfish Secrets is launching and Flowers is getting a paperback version! This is happening on the 10th of September. Soooo … obviously we gotta celebrate, right? THE ANSWER IS “RIGHT,” Y’ALL. (Sorry for giving that away before you had a chance to think about it.) We are gonna celebrate like mad. Well … more like I’ve […]

Flowers, Part 4

Before you read this, you must promise not to hate any of the characters. Well, not much. You can hate them a little … but you can’t hate the story. Hating the story is decidedly not allowed. It’s off limits. Don’t even think about it. As you can see, I’m testing out the ‘featured image’ […]

Flowers, Parts One and Two

The moment you’ve all been waiting for, my darlings, is at hand! That’s right! Parts One and Two of Flowers, my short story sequel to The Lady of the Vineyard, is coming to you … right here … right now! Okay, so maybe none of you actually want to read this story. Whatever. Comment and say […]

In Which We Examine Millie Lark on a Non-Professional Basis

Today we’re going to take a peak at the inner workings of a character from The Lady of the Vineyard. Her name is Millie Lark. She is Adele Collier’s best friend. She gets all of two paragraphs of page-time in TLOTV and perhaps a mention in Flowers. However, I like Millie and am considering writing a […]

The Lady of the Vineyard Blog Tour, Day 1

Wow. I have never been so nervous and yet so excited at the same time. 😀 My very own blog tour! How marvelous! How wonderous! How perfectly … I’d better stop before I end up doing another Cruella Deville impression, but you get the point. It’s so exciting! 🙂 Preorder on Amazon ~ Add on […]