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St. Patrick’s Day Paperback Sale!

Guess what? There’s a big paperback sale going on! That’s right; a group of Indie Christian authors (including myself) are flocking together to offer discounted paperbacks. There are sooo many incredible books on sale for such amazing prices … how can you resist? *dangles books in front of your face* Signed paperback copies of my […]

Alice Unanswered? What’s that all about?

What? I have a sudden and inexplicable desire to tell you about this book! I mean, people have been asking (oh, shush, they have *pretends I have fans* *doesn’t have fans*) about Alice Unanswered, and so here goes! I actually do have a reason for posting this right now. I hit 25K with Alice Unanswered! […]

Writing About Children

Just the other day, I was scrolling through social media, and I saw a post mentioning that it’s very hard to write children. I skimmed past quickly. It’s not fun to be the only one not in pain. Because … to me, writing children is not hard. In fact, it’s a lot easier than writing […]

Plot Bunny Into Story?

Hiya, ladies and gents! Today I’m here to tell you how how to turn your plot bunny into a story (courtesy of me thinking about this a lot because that’s what I’m currently doing). Now, I’m by no means an expert, but I do believe I can offer some advice based on my personal experience, […]

Finishing The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy

This was a post I planned for just before the 12 Days of Christmas party, but I ended up doing other post and saving this one until later and whoosh! It’s January! In this post I’ll be talking about my plans for finishing off the rather long and complicated series that The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy […]

How to Recover from NaNoWriMo

If you’re like me, after NaNo you feel a little … lost. Sometimes for days, sometimes for weeks. What to do with your life now that you’re not writing like a maniac? Well, today I’m going to introduce you to my amazing Five-Step Guide to Regaining Your Life after National Novel Writing Month. So, without […]

Update #3 + We Need You Questions! (again)

Happy Wednesday, people reading this post (even if you’re not reading it on Wednesday)! Yes, this is another post that’s getting out a wee bit late. Well, if you’re not in Pacific time (which most people I know online aren’t for whatever reason). Here, it’s not that late. (Or at least I don’t think so; […]

Update #2: In Which I Am Good at Something for Once

Okay, you’re right, that was a silly title. I’ve done awesome things before. In fact, I’m pretty much the master of awesome things. But really, I’m super pleased with one thing I did these last couple days, and so I have to share it with you … and yep. That’s about it. (I don’t really […]

Writing Plans: Why They Can Be Disastrous

I really hate to admit this, but writing is a form of art. Why do I hate to admit this? Well, I don’t like to think of writing as an art because artists of all sorts tend to get into this attitude of laziness. “It’s art. Art can’t be rushed.” Most of the time, this […]

What’s up with TDS?

The short answer to the title question is, “Important stuff.” However, I was never one for simplicity. (Actually, I am, but that’s beside the point.) The point is (wait, aren’t statements in parenthesis technically barred from the main text?) that I need a subject for a spotlight, and you need to know what’s going on […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Naming Characters

  We’ve all struggled with it. Character naming. There’s nothing quite so tortuous as this monster (except perhaps book-titling, but that’s not what we’re talking about today). You want your character to have the perfect, original pre nomen to go with their perfect, original personality … but what is that? Now, since this is obviously […]

Moanings of a Brain Dead Teen

Yesterday was Easter, and now we have a very light week of school as my dad’s on vacation (#homeschoolcool). And let me tell you, I need it. My mind is a lot of spinning cogs and gears, all whirling a hundred miles a minute. When you throw in algebra mixed with shapes, ancient languages mixed with […]