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Plot Bunny Into Story?

Hiya, ladies and gents! Today I’m here to tell you how how to turn your plot bunny into a story (courtesy of me thinking about this a lot because that’s what I’m currently doing). Now, I’m by no means an expert, but I do believe I can offer some advice based on my personal experience, […]

Flowers is Published!

That’s right! The short story sequel to The Lady of the Vineyard, Flowers, is now published on Amazon Kindle! You can read more about Flowers on my website. I made a whole page for it and everything. 😛 By the way, my website was recently redone by Mukta of Design Pique Studios. It is absolutely […]

Introducing “That Plot Bunny”

Apologies for this post being so late! I’ve been having a busy last couple days, what with school and work and writing and editing, and I haven’t found a lot of time to blog! Plus I spent most of my blogging time working on AAWC instead of my regular book posts. 😛 Now, a couple […]

Finishing The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy

This was a post I planned for just before the 12 Days of Christmas party, but I ended up doing other post and saving this one until later and whoosh! It’s January! In this post I’ll be talking about my plans for finishing off the rather long and complicated series that The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy […]

December 2017 Dares

HELLO FRIENDS. Long time, no see! Well, okay, it’s only been a couple days since Wednesday, but lots has happened, and I’m more than ready to get back to our regularly scheduled programming! This month we have some great dares for you (all taken from my extremely long to-do list, haha … NaNo is all-consuming, […]

Update #3 + We Need You Questions! (again)

Happy Wednesday, people reading this post (even if you’re not reading it on Wednesday)! Yes, this is another post that’s getting out a wee bit late. Well, if you’re not in Pacific time (which most people I know online aren’t for whatever reason). Here, it’s not that late. (Or at least I don’t think so; […]

Update #2: In Which I Am Good at Something for Once

Okay, you’re right, that was a silly title. I’ve done awesome things before. In fact, I’m pretty much the master of awesome things. But really, I’m super pleased with one thing I did these last couple days, and so I have to share it with you … and yep. That’s about it. (I don’t really […]

Introducing the Characters of Beyond Her Calling

Hello ladies and gents! Now that we’ve actually begun NaNoWriMo,* I decided it was time to actually introduce you to my NaNo novel & my NaNo-prep process. Even though we’ve already begun so technically that’s all over. Just … ignore me tardiness. Pretend it’s two weeks ago. *(I WAS SICK OKAY!?!?) I thought I’d just […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 5: Indie Published

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to my blog … and to my fifth post in Five Fall Favorites 2017! I’m sure you remember the amazing blog party we did last year, and if you don’t, this invitation will give you the highlights: (By the way, the constant repetitiveness is a little … sad … but […]

A Quick Update from a Flustered Writer

I can see your skepticism when you read the title. You’re giving me the ol’ skeptical eye again. Flustered? you say. Girl. You are sixteen. You need to clillax. The world will take care of itself … NO IT WON’T. THE WORLD NEEDS ME TO MANAGE IT. The world is practically helpless without my guidance. I’m just […]

Writing Plans: Why They Can Be Disastrous

I really hate to admit this, but writing is a form of art. Why do I hate to admit this? Well, I don’t like to think of writing as an art because artists of all sorts tend to get into this attitude of laziness. “It’s art. Art can’t be rushed.” Most of the time, this […]

Why Writers Should Be Bloggers

I bet y’all are wondering, “Why the sand? What does that have to do with blogging? Or writing? Or anything related to blogging or writing?” ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It is the first stock photo that came up. It wasn’t even the BEST stock photo that came up! I AM SO GENIUS I SHALL TAKE OVER THE […]