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10K 1Day (how did I do that again?)

Hello folks! Kell here. At the beginning of July, I wrote 10,000 words in one day (10k 1Day). I wanted to do this several times this month, but so far I’ve only accomplished it once. Still, that’s good as I have never written 10k in a 1 day except during NaNoWriMo (the main event not […]

10 Reasons to Read Baby Mine

Hello readers! Today I’m going to share with you about a book you should definitely read … though more than a book, it’s a short story. Still, you should read it. Baby Mine is a 9,000-word historical fiction story about a little girl named Amaliya Preobrazhensky, her mother, and a man and woman who can […]

5 Tips for Finding Your Market {a writer’s guide}

As writers, whether we’re independent or working towards being published traditionally, we’re often given a piece of advice: know your market. This basically means “know who you’re selling books to.” Don’t be a person who says, “Oh, yeah, everyone will like my book.” Instead, focus in on the best readers for your novel—and sell to […]

5 Author Blogging Tips, Spamalot, and Other Updates

Hey y’all! I know … I’ve got some explaining to do! Each of my followers got something like twenty-eight emails this Wednesday. I bet you were confused … a lot of you contacted me to let me know, which I really appreciated. I’ll explain that in this post along with giving you my best author […]

Kind is Launched! (p.s. Merry Christmas Eve-Eve-Eve!)

Hello! Today is a brief post to announce an important event … KIND IS LAUNCHED! The book is now up on Amazon and Goodreads. Be sure to grab yourself a copy – and if you do, leave a review! Kind is my favorite short story that I wrote! It’s so full of holiday cheer, and it […]

The 1K Contest, Kind, and Reveries Co. {3 Important Updates}

Today I’m going to talk about Kind and other updates. (Kind isn’t the main thing, but given that I’m PUBLISHING A BOOK, I figured it deserved first billing.) But yes, there are other things I have to talk about – and, as the title indicates, those two thinks are a 1K Contest (which you’re totally […]

I’m Back {A Bunch of Updates}

Well. I’m back! And now it’s time for me to tell you about all the stuff I’ve been doing in the last month, etc. So if you’re not a fan of rambly updates, be gone. (I’m just kidding; stick around, anyway. I’ll try to make this not-rambly. Though it’s painful, you know. Like ripping apart […]

Beyond Her Calling, Blog Tour: Day 4

Hullo, folks! Welcome tae th’ fourth day o’ th’ Beyond Her Calling blog tour! Jordy McAllen here! Today is Jordy Day! Which means we shall talk about me an’ me an’ me. (An’ I’m no’ givin’ ye a “glossary,” so ye better keep up with me brogue!) An’ now, let’s talk about Jordy McAllen (e.g. me)! (an’ th’ […]

What Does It Take to Assemble a Blog Tour?

I’ve been complimented a lot on how much work I’ve been doing lately what with the multiple blog tours running – one being my own! And though I appreciate the encouragement – it is encouraging, indeed! – it doesn’t feel … merited to me? A lot of the things I do are automatic. But for […]

October and November Are Coming

So this is going to be a pretty relaxed, quick post explaining all the stuff going on. It’s going to be scary. It’s going to be rushed. But it must be done. Because I care about you not being completely confused through these next two months. So. Without further ado, let me tell you about […]

5 Times You Can Sneak Writing In

When you’re super busy, it can be hard to find time to write! I know as a recent high school grad with a part-time job, lots of volunteer work, and some non-writing hobbies, it can be hard to budget my sit-down-stare-at-the-cursor-blinking minutes in. But sometimes I just need to think outside of the box! So […]

September 2018 Dares

Guess who totally forgot about her monthly dares until just now? (I’ll give you a hint: it wasn’t you.) It has been a very busy month thus far, between setting up Reveries Co., editing, writing, and planning (lottttsss of planning!), and some things have just slipped through the cracks! However, here I am with my […]